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These two types of plants differ from each other in terms of their appearance. The pond rose has spherical, almost always yellow flowers and heart-shaped floating leaves, the water lily flowers in different colors and has rather round floating leaves. In contrast to the water lily, the pond rose also tolerates a variable, changing water level and a slight current.

also read

  • How to plant a pond rose - the best tips
  • The pond rose - a short profile
  • The yellow pond rose - a small profile

Plant the pond rose

Depending on the type and size of the pond rose, the planting depth and the preferred water level vary. plants Putting the pond rose in a basket will make it easier to look after and move it when you need to. Choose a location that is as sunny as possible, except for the Yellow pond rose, this also tolerates shade quite well.

Fertilize pond roses

The pond rose needs quite a lot of nutrients. If these are not available in the soil, you can help with a special pond fertilizer. To prevent abundant algae growth, are recommended

Fertilizer stick(€ 9.82 at Amazon *) or globules placed in the soil near the root.

Propagate pond roses

Since pond roses tend to overgrow, they can be easily reproduced by dividing them. They form rhizomes. These should be pruned regularly so that the pond roses do not get too big. Alternatively, share your plants with a sharp one every year or two Secateurs. Please note, however, that the pond rose is poisonous, the rhizomes are particularly poisonous.

The pond rose in winter

The pond rose is usually winter-proof and does not actually require any special care during this time. Only potted plants and only partially hardy varieties, such as the Japanese pond rose, should be frost-free overwinter. In a pond populated by fish, pond roses can even provide the much-needed oxygen in winter.

The best care tips for the pond rose:

  • Sunny location, exception: yellow pond rose
  • easy-care
  • high nutritional requirements
  • mostly hardy
  • tolerates changing water levels and light currents


If your pond is not suitable for a colorful water lily, then perhaps the pond rose will fit. It is much more robust and more tolerant of changing water levels.