Protect from wasps and wasp stings

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That means being special in the Grilling time protect against wasps and wasp stings. Because, regardless of whether it is grilled food, cakes or sweet drinks, all of this attracts the wasps and once they are there, they are usually difficult to drive away again. But what helps and how do you get rid of the little nuisances?

This helps with wasp alarms

Many people get panic attacks just looking at the insects. They start waving their arms and thrashing around, but this only makes the wasps more aggressive. And only then does it usually come to one

Wasp sting. However, you can protect yourself from a sting by following small rules:
If you eat or drink outdoors, food and drinks should be covered as much as possible. Especially when children drink outside, it is ideal if they use a drinking straw. This at least prevents a wasp from being drunk with and, in the worst case, stinging in the mouth. You should therefore pay particular attention to small children. To prevent the wasps from getting too close in the first place, you can remedy this with half a lemon that you sprinkle with cloves, because the insects don't like this smell at all. Incense sticks or fresh basil leaves are also helpful. In addition to the sweet smells, there are also certain colors that attract the little diggers. Avoid wearing bright colors and wear long clothes if possible. You should also - no matter how nice it is - refrain from walking barefoot in the garden. And if the wasps do get too close to you, then never lash around wildly or make hectic movements, as this only irritates the wasps unnecessarily.

There is even a Wasp nest in the immediate vicinity, then you must never lend a hand and should, as a precaution, commission a specialist to remove the nest.

In the event of a wasp sting - more tips

If a wasp has stung, it reacts

Body initially with swellings, which are usually associated with pain. For most people, a wasp sting is harmless. However, this is not the case with allergy sufferers, who in the worst case can experience anaphylactic shock or circulatory collapse. So if you got a wasp sting, first try to remove the stinger and cool the puncture site. Franzbrandwein or ribwort can also be helpful - apply both carefully to the area! But tea tree oil and onion slices can also bring relief.
Are you allergic to the wasp sting? or if the wasp has stung you in the mouth or eye area, you should definitely consult a doctor who can then give you appropriate remedies. Most of the time, antihistamines or cortisone are used in these cases.