Watering, repotting, cutting and more

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What should be considered when watering species of Odontoglossum?

Basically, Odontoglossum species should only be watered with room warm and stale water. Low-lime rainwater that has also been filtered is ideal. Water should be watered much more regularly and abundantly in summer than in autumn and winter. However, the root area should never dry out all year round and never suffer from waterlogging. The plant can occasionally also be sprayed with a fine mist of water.

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How are these orchids repotted?

Since the Odontoglossum species have relatively fine roots, the plant pot should be sufficiently high, but not too large. A plant should be transplanted as soon as the bulbs and plant shoots are over the edge of the plant Grow out of the plant pot or if the substrate in the pot grows very quickly due to the root mass that has grown dries off.

Please also note the following points when repotting:

  • the next larger pot size should only be about 2 to 3 cm larger
  • soak the roots in lukewarm water for about 20 minutes to make them smoother
  • after repotting should not be watered for at least 24 hours

When and how should tongue orchids be pruned?

When repotting, check the root ball of the odontoglossum and remove dead or mushy pieces of root with sharp planting scissors. After the inflorescences have faded, wilted stems can be cut off a little above the base. Otherwise you need this slow growing orchids no nourishing cutting measures.

Which pests or diseases can be dangerous for the genus Odontoglossum?

In the fight against pests such as mealybugs, mealybugs and scale insects, regular checks are important so that countermeasures can be taken at an early stage. In most cases, however, the odontoglossum's growth problems and insufficient flowering can be traced back to mistakes in care and location.

How can an Odontoglossum orchid be optimally fertilized?

The roots of Odontoglossum are quite sensitive to salt, so in the summer it should only be used in an economical dose with a special one every 2 to 4 weeks Orchid fertilizer be fertilized. In winter, these plants can confidently do without any fertilization.

What should be considered when caring for an Odontoglossum orchid in winter?

While the Odontoglossum orchids grow optimally in summer at temperatures between 15 and 22 degrees Celsius the range from night to maximum daytime temperature in winter should be around 12 to 18 degrees Celsius lie. In addition, the plants should be relatively light all year round, but never be in direct sunlight.


The time of repotting may vary. can also be used for the propagation of Odontoglossum orchids. For this purpose, sections with sufficiently large roots and bulbs are simply cut off with clean planting scissors and planted in a separate planter.