Recognize & treat diseases and pests

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What diseases are found in butterfly orchids?

Bacteria and fungi can be different in Phalaenopsis Diseases trigger. Root rot, also known as black rot, is probably one of the most common. If it is very advanced, the plant can often no longer be saved. Regular checks for waterlogging can be helpful. Also the Leaf spot disease or accordion growth are quite common.

also read

  • Phalaenopsis: Common Diseases
  • Help, my Phalaenopsis is getting yellow leaves!
  • Help, the flowers of my phalaenopsis are limp!

How do I recognize a pest infestation?

First of all, determine what your phalaenopsis is suffering from. Where do you see pests? Spider mites and scale insects are mostly located on the underside of the leaves while thrips live on the upper side. Lightly speckled leaves indicate spider mites. Later the leaves turn dry and brown.

Possible diseases and pests:

Leaf spot disease

  • Rot (black rot, root rot)
  • Mosaic virus
  • Scale insects
  • Spider mites
  • sunburn
  • Thrips
  • Accordion or wrinkle growth

How do I treat infected orchids?

As a first measure, it is almost always recommended to isolate the affected plant (s) so that the neighbors cannot be infected. Various biological agents based on rapeseed oil or potash soap can be used in the event of an infestation with thrips or spider mites. The latter can also be used well Predatory mites fight. Tea tree oil has proven itself against scale insects.

The essentials in brief:

  • Check location: bright, warm, without drafts or direct sunlight
  • Check for waterlogging
  • Check roots: remove rotten spots
  • if necessary repot
  • Adjust care: water and fertilize properly

Protection against diseases and pests

The best prevention for your Phalaenopsis is taking good care of an appropriate one Location. It should be bright and warm. If you have your orchid then regularly, but not too often to water, Avoid waterlogging and drafts, then you have already done the most important thing. Fertilize The plant sparingly and use special ones Orchid fertilizer.


The best way to protect your Phalaenopsis from diseases and pests is to carefully choose its location and take good care of it.