The most beautiful varieties of the orchid

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How many types are there?

If you add up all types and subspecies, there are around 100 different women's shoes. What they all have in common is the slipper-like petal, while the colors of the leaves and flowers can be very different. The stature height is usually between about 15 and 30 centimeters.

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The foliage of the lady's slipper can be simply green, narrow or broad-leaved, but also spotted, the flowers monochrome or multicolored. The flower colors vary from white to yellow, pink and red to purple, even brownish tones are possible.

Interesting types of lady's slipper:

  • Paphiopedilum armeniacum: about 15 cm high with bright yellow flowers
  • Paphiopedilum delenatii: about 15 cm tall, white flowers with a pink shoe
  • Paphiopedilum micranthum: about 15 cm high, yellowish red flower with a large pinkish-bluish shoe, very varied
  • Paphiopedilum concolor var.: about 20 cm high with light yellow flowers

Where does the lady's slipper come from?

The lady's slipper originally comes from East Asia, for example from Nepal to New Guinea. They are sometimes very common there and have developed numerous species and subspecies. In addition, breeders have developed interesting hybrids. In the meantime, the paphiopedilum has become a very popular houseplant.

Are all species cared for in the same way?

As varied as their origins are the need to care for women's shoes and their demands on a suitable location. So there are ways that not bloomif they do not get a cold stimulus. The light requirements of the individual varieties can also be very different.

The essentials in brief:

  • Location: mostly partially shaded to shady
  • Species with spotted foliage need a little more light (partial shade) than green-leaved ones (shade)
  • high humidity, at least 50 to 70 percent
  • Soil: pH 5 to 6.5
  • Avoid blazing midday sun and drafts
  • Heat requirements vary greatly depending on the type
  • Water vigorously, but avoid waterlogging
  • fertilize regularly


Make sure to find out how much light and warmth your lady's slipper needs when you buy it. The needs vary considerably depending on the species.

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