Preserving zucchini »A delicious recipe to cook at home

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Preserve the zucchini sweet and sour

The green fruits can be wonderfully seasoned and cooked in glasses. In this way, any excess harvest is used sensibly and you can fall back on your harvest in the winter months. In addition to the ripe fruits, you will need onions, peppers and carrots to taste, apple juice, apple cider vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper and dill. You should also sterilize enough jars with twist-off lids or swing-top closures. To do this, boil the jars or put them in the oven for ten minutes at 100 degrees. For the shelf life of the wake-up food, germ-free glasses are absolutely necessary, as this prevents the formation of mold.

also read

  • Preserving zucchini: How to wake up the delicious vegetables
  • Pickling zucchini - homemade antipasti
  • Preserving zucchini - three easy ways

Once the jars have been prepared, you can start preserving.

  1. Wash the zucchini and remove the flower base and the thick stem.
  2. Cut the zucchini into one-inch slices.
  3. Peel the onions and cut them into rings.
  4. If you also want to add garlic, peel the cloves and cut them into thin slices.
  5. You can add other vegetables to suit your taste. Clean the vegetables and cut them into bite-sized pieces.
  6. Heat the water with vinegar and sugar.
  7. When the broth is boiling, add the zucchini slices, the two-bell rings and, if necessary, the other vegetables and the garlic slices.
  8. Let everything boil.
  9. Then add the remaining spices and let everything boil again.
  10. Turn the stove down to a low heat and cook the vegetables for about a quarter of an hour.
  11. Now place the vegetables in the jars and fill them up to the brim with the stock. All vegetables must be covered with liquid. What looks out of the brew becomes wrinkled and dried up.
  12. Seal the jars and turn them upside down so that a vacuum can be created. In this way, the contents can be kept for about a year.
  13. Keep your zucchini glasses in a cool and dark place.

Reduce the zucchini in a wake kettle or oven

If you want to preserve the zucchinis this way, you don't have to cook the vegetables beforehand.

  1. Wash and clean the zucchini.
  2. Cut these into bite-sized cubes.
  3. Also dice an onion.
  4. Salt both with 6 tablespoons of salt in a large bowl and let the whole thing stand for three hours so that excess water can drain out.
  5. Prepare a brew of half a liter of vinegar and oil, 1 tablespoon of pepper and 5 tablespoons of sugar.
  6. Also add spices such as 3 bay leaves, 3 allspice and 3 peppercorns. You can also add the water that pulled the salt out of the zucchini.
  7. Put the zucchini in the sterilized jars and pour the hot spice stock over them. The zucchini should be covered.
  8. Seal the jars and cook them in the oven or automatic cooker.

In the preserving machine

Place the glasses in the wake kettle so that they do not touch each other. Otherwise they could burst in the heat. Pour water up to half of the glasses. Cook the zucchini at 80 degrees for 15 minutes. Let the glasses cool in the kettle for about 20 minutes. Then take out your wake-up items and let them cool down completely under a tea towel.

In the oven

Use the drip pan here. Do not place the glasses too close and pour 2 cm of water. Slide the tray into the oven, heat it to 100 degrees and turn the oven off when the liquid begins to pearl in the glasses. Leave the jars in the oven for 15-20 minutes and then remove them. The glasses can cool down completely under a cloth.

If you have kept the utensils as germ-free as possible during the boiling process, the preserved zucchini can stay fresh in the jar for a few years.