This is how the convertible rose comes through the frost

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Put the Lantana in and cut it

Prologue for the wintering of Lantana is timely clearing and a moderate pruning. How to do it right:

  • Winter: before the first frost, at the latest at night temperatures between 5 ° and 10 ° Celsius
  • Cut back: cut back twigs that have grown back in summer by half
  • Cleaning up: remove withered flowers and dried leaves

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A slight pruning favors the wintering process. Because Lantana sheds its leaves in any case, you can remove the leaves before putting them away.

Optimal: Hibernate Lantana light / tempered

The light and temperature conditions determine the state in which a Lantana emerges from winter. The summer sun worshiper cannot deny her love for lots of light. In order to Convertible rose To cope with the winter lack of light, cool temperatures are important. How to successfully overwinter Lantana:

  • Lighting conditions: bright with ideal lux value 1000 lx, not full sun
  • Temperatures: around 8 ° Celsius (minimum 5 ° C, maximum 12 ° C)

The following winter quarters for convertible roses are available: frost-free greenhouse, temperature-controlled winter garden, glazed terrace and winter tent with frost guard. In all cases, shade should be available to protect Lantana from direct sunlight when it is hibernating. In this regard, by the way, many are evergreen, tropical Terrace plants unanimously who want to hibernate healthily in our latitudes.

Suboptimal: hibernate convertible florets in a dark / cool winter

Conciliatory flexibility is demonstrated by convertible roses when there are no bright, temperature-controlled rooms available. If necessary, the exotic ornamental trees will tolerate a winter location with little light if the temperature is right. This is how Lantana winter in the basement:

  • Lighting conditions: shady to dark
  • Temperatures: constant at 5 ° to 8 ° Celsius

A location on the cold cellar floor harbors the risk of cold feet for the already stressed convertible roses. Please place the pot on a block of wood or an upturned bucket filled with straw so that no cold creeps into the root ball from below.

Lantana in winter - care tips

After putting away, please stop the nutrient supply. From the end of February at the earliest fertilize You Lantana in half concentration until you clear it out. Pour convertible florets sparingly and in small sips in winter. A uniform, light soil moisture without waterlogging is desirable. As a practical aid, we recommend a watering indicator that you simply insert into the substrate. Occasionally spray the branches with room temperature water.

Hibernate Lantana

The severe winter rest for Lantana ends in February. Get it now Convertible rose their central form and Clearance cut. Then repot the plants in fresh substrate. At the bright, warm window seat, the tropical beauties await the new season with a fresh zest for life.

A two-week hardening phase prepares Lantana perfectly for the strong spring sun. From the beginning of May until after the ice saints, place changing roses in the pot in a partially shaded spot on the balcony or terrace during the day.


Lantana have an aversion to hard, chalky water in every season. Always pour and spray your convertible florets with what you have collected, even in winter quarters Rainwater.