Planting balcony boxes in autumn »The most beautiful autumn bloomers

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Colorful plant decorations

Fill up with color again and design them hardy planted boxes diversified. Combine flowering plants with ornamental leaves, grasses and dwarf trees. The following plants are particularly suitable for this:

  • Autumn aster: This typical autumn bloomer is adorned with beautiful flowers, the color spectrum of which ranges from white, pink to lavender to violet. Some species sprout new buds well into November and thus provide splashes of color even when almost all the other flowers have already faded.
  • Chrysanthemums: These popular flowering plants are available in many nuances that can be wonderfully coordinated with the rest of the planting. For the balcony box, choose rather small varieties with delicate flower heads.
  • Heather: Hardy heather are long-lived and can withstand low temperatures without being damaged. The evergreen shrubs are extremely undemanding.
  • Grasses how Blue fescue, sedge or ribbon grass score with their attractive color and complement the planting with their interesting leaf shape.

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Other flowering plants that are good for autumn planting include:

  • fat chicken
  • Houseleek
  • Funkie
  • Purple bells
  • Fat man
  • Christmas rose
  • Silver leaf

Tips for planting

To ensure that the newly planted plants grow quickly and thrive, you should proceed as follows:

  • Since the summer flowers have drawn many nutrients from the substrate, replace the soil.
  • Make sure that the holes in the boxes are not clogged with old substrate and parts of plants.
  • Cover the drain with potsherds or pebbles and apply a layer of drainage about five centimeters thick Expanded clay(€ 16.36 at Amazon *) a.
  • Plant close together to create a cohesive picture.
  • Finally, cover the earth with pine bark. This looks attractive and protects the substrate from drying out.

Tips for care

Water the boxes thoroughly. After that, all you have to do is reach for the watering can when the top inches of the soil feel dry. Autumn bloomers are frugal and do not need any additional fertilizer. The one in the fresh Potting soil existing nutrients are sufficient.


Put flower bulbs in the box. Grasses and heather survive the winter well and frame the flowering bulbous plants extremely attractively.