Sow thyme seeds properly

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Choosing the right soil

The chances of germination of plants are higher if they in the right soil to be sown. Above all, it is important to ensure that the very fine thyme seeds have good contact with the soil. Special seed soil is very fine and therefore meets these requirements. It also stores moisture well and is poor in nutrients - this is important because salt in particular can damage seedlings.

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  • Do not sow thyme directly
  • Wintering thyme is not difficult
  • Thyme - easy propagation via cuttings
  • Fill a nursery box with high-quality seed soil.
  • Press the earth with a piece of wood (a board or similar). Ä.) to about two centimeters below the upper edge of the box.
  • Water them with the help of a spray bottle and let them sit for about half an hour.
  • Sprinkle the seeds evenly over the soil.
  • Gently press it down with the help of the board.
  • Cover the box with glass or a transparent plastic.
  • The cover must not touch the seeds.
  • Put the box in a warm and bright place.
  • If direct sunlight falls on the box, use a fine net to provide shade.

Pay attention to hygiene

The moist conditions in the cultivation container are just as ideal for the development of fungal diseases as they are for the development of healthy plants. If the seedlings are too close together, the so-called "fall sickness" occurs, which is caused by airborne or soil fungus. Therefore, to reduce this risk, it is important to use sterilized containers and tools. In addition to cleanliness, pricking out the seedlings in good time is important in order to avoid overfilling in the planter.

Proper care of seedlings

Seedlings must have adequate breathing space. As soon as shoots are visible, remove the cover from the cultivation vessel. Protect the seedlings from drafts and direct sunlight, but leave them in a light spot. Keep watering them to keep the roots from drying out. In addition, as soon as they become visible, seedlings should be thinned out. This is also known as pricking out. Furthermore, seedlings should be carefully accustomed to the conditions outside the protected environment of the cultivation vessel. It works best in one Cold frame.

Tips & Tricks

If you have the fine thyme seeds before the sowing Mix with the same amount of fine sand, the seeds will be distributed more evenly.


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