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Create a bed without digging up - that's how it works

When creating a new bed, you can do without digging if you want to proceed in an organic way.

also read

  • Dig up the bed or not? About the pros and cons of tillage
  • Without weeding - create a flowerbed without weeds
  • Creating a Japanese bed - tips and tricks

This saves a lot of work and creates ideal conditions for the new plants that will be planted or sown there right from the start. A surface like a is well suited old lawnon which the grass has grown quite long. Under no circumstances should you mow it beforehand.

The principle behind this method is to cover the previous vegetation and thus cut off the air supply and sunlight.

  • Parting off the surface
  • demarcate with curbs if necessary
  • Pile up the mulch material
  • alternatively use cardboard
  • Compost or Topsoil piling up

Use mulch material or cardboard

You will need a large amount of mulch material. The mulch layer must be several centimeters thick. Alternatively, you can use cardboard. You can get used cardboard in many shops. However, only pure cardboard without any imprints, staples or adhesive tapes may be used.

Cut off the surface and cover it

The intended area is cut off and filled with the mulch material. When using cardboard, lay it out so that there are no gaps. You can also stack several pieces of cardboard on top of each other.

Because the plants that have previously grown on the new bed are long enough, they bend over and cannot penetrate the mulch material or the cardboard.

Turn gently after a few months

After a few months, the mulch material has collapsed well. You now apply the pitchfork and pour something again Mulch(€ 13.95 at Amazon *) or put ripe compost on it.

You can then plant the new bed.

Once you have covered the new bed with cardboard, pour a thick layer of topsoil over it. Then you can immediately start replanting the bed.


In the organic garden, tools like spade, Tiller and shovels play a less important role. There, the sow tooth is used to loosen the soil. This has only one prong that is pulled through the earth.