Fertilize Goldliguster »How many nutrients does the shrub need

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Suitable fertilizers

For one Privet hedge or Solitaire in the Garden soil come as compost and fertilizers Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) in question. Both supply the soil with new nutrients evenly and over a long period of time. A combination of both substances is ideal. The compost that is often used in the home garden is additionally enriched with nitrogen using horn shavings. This substance is indispensable for leaf growth. You need per square meter:

  • 3 l compost
  • 100 grams of horn shavings

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Others too Slow release fertilizer from the trade come into consideration for fertilization. When it comes to the dosage, you should follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Fertilizer for container plants

Goldliguster that grows in a pot can be supplied with a conventional liquid fertilizer. Use quality fertilizer that you administer according to the instructions on the packaging.

Optimal time

The Goldliguster should be supplied with the above fertilizer combination at least once a year. The month of March is ideally suited for this, because immediately afterwards the gold league sprouts.

If necessary, it can continue to be fertilized at regular intervals during the growing season. The last fertilization should not take place after mid-August, otherwise the shoots will no longer ripen and hardy will.


Be careful when working the fertilizer into the soil, because privets are shallow-rooted. Damage to their roots should be avoided, such as damage caused by wilt fungus illness not giving a chance.

Mulching with bark mulch

Young privets are often given a blanket of bark mulch. There is nothing against it, but one thing should be noted: Bark mulch is low in nitrogen, and when it decomposes, the microorganisms even consume nitrogen. But then the plants lack this substance. The growth falters, yellowish leaf discoloration occurs.

If you have young privet mulch, you should feed them with fertilizer beforehand. Bark compost is also better suited than bark mulch because it is already more decomposed.

Liming now and then

Goldliguster loves lime and grows better when they find this element in the soil. You should use the Determine the pH of the soilto get reliable numbers. If the value is below 6 for sandy soils and below 6.5 for loamy soils, you should lime.

  • Liming in autumn
  • Scatter carbonic lime preparations in the root area
  • Observe the manufacturer's dosage instructions

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