The advantages at a glance

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Benefits of raised compost beds

Especially the classic one Compost raised bed offers a lot of advantages, especially for the cultivation of useful plants. The filling, which decomposes over time, contains many valuable nutrients, which is why the bed does not have to be fertilized for years. Instead, depending on the age and nutrient composition (this decreases over the years), you can plant it appropriately with high, medium and low consumers. In addition, a compost raised bed develops a lot of heat inside the rotting process, the many vegetables very comfortable - and one of the reasons why compost raised beds extend the growing season by a few weeks.

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  • Beautify the front garden with a raised bed
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Composition of the plant substrate

However, a raised compost bed cannot be installed in every case. This is not advisable on a balcony or a table bed, for example. Nevertheless, a raised bed can serve well on many occasions, for example if you want to garden on a balcony or terrace. In any case, you can customize the composition of the plant substrate for the planned planting adapt - after all, tomatoes need a different soil than rock garden plants or colorful blooming plants Summer flowers.

Gardening even on small and unsuitable planting areas

In general, a raised bed enables gardening even where the soil conditions allow Planting vegetables or ornamental plants is not possible at all or only to a very limited extent is. This applies, for example, to paved or otherwise fortified courtyards or courtyards. Front gardens, for balconies, terraces, but also for gardens on slopes or with very unsuitable (because, for example, very heavy) floors.

Structuring and designing the garden

In addition, both large and small gardens can be wonderfully structured with the different types of raised beds. So you can say Gardens on the hillside terracing by means of stone raised beds and thus making them usable in the first place. Several raised beds are also ideal for a terrace or a cozy corner in the garden with the right planting from prying eyes to protect. Furthermore, through the clever use of raised beds, real garden spaces can be designed and separated from one another.

Comfortable working height

The comfortable back-friendly working height is of course one of the most important reasons for purchasing a raised bed. You no longer have to bend down or take care of the bed. Slipping through the garden with difficulty on your knees, but can work while standing or sitting.


The necessities materials By the way, to build a raised bed you don't necessarily have to buy a lot of money in the hardware store. Instead, all sorts of materials lying around can be used for this purpose. This not only saves you money, but also reduces the piles of rubbish.