How to choose the right location

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The right time

To a Insect hotel(€ 11.33 at Amazon *) it is never too late. Fortunately, more and more people are realizing the positive effect on the ecosystem and are integrating the dwelling into their garden. The time of year when you offer the shelter is just as irrelevant. Animals are constantly looking for protection. Even if most of the insect species start at the beginning of the year Hatch, the generations are mostly busy building nests all year round.
However, it is particularly recommended to set up an insect hotel in late summer. This is the time of year when the need is greatest. The insects are already testing whether the space offered is suitable for wintering.

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When choosing a location, the following aspects must be taken into account:

  • the Alignment
  • The height
  • The environment


Insects love it warm. You will certainly notice a higher level of activity on sunny days than on overcast weather. It is best to orient your insect hotel to the south. At the same time you should make sure that the habitation is well in front

Rainfall is protected and there is no draft on the compartments.


A minimum height of half a meter makes it difficult for cats to get to the insect hotel. It's best to hang your insect hotel on one Wall or one tree. If your model is a cottage, consider adding stilts. If the insect hotel is on the ground, moisture threatens to penetrate the wood.


As long as you don't obstruct the hotel's approach path, the insects won't be bothered by your presence. Therefore, there is also a balcony as a location. However, allergy sufferers, pets and small children should keep their distance. Most importantly, the insects don't have to travel long distances to forage. The planting of some wildflowers in the surrounding beds already serves as a well-frequented source of food.