What to do with the valuable organic waste?

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Disposal options

Natural and untreated wood, which is obtained from pruning, can generally be disposed of in the organic waste bin. Exceptions are possible, because everyone is under public law Disposal carrier has other exploitation options. Find out from your local authority or your waste disposal company which guidelines apply.

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Where you can dispose of tree cuttings:

  • Horticultural companies: take over cutting work and subsequent disposal
  • Pruning container: are suitable for large amounts of pruning
  • Recycling yard: often allow free disposal in limited quantities

Renting a container is the ideal option when you need to cut a tree. In addition to tree trunks, you can dispose of stumps, roots, twigs and branches in it. Adhering earth or leaves can be put into the container in small quantities.

Reuse in the garden

With a Chopper(€ 89.00 at Amazon *) you can shred the tree cuttings and then put the material on the compost. Branches and twigs are ideal for

Mulching of tree grates and beds. Who one Raised bed for the balcony want to create can use shredded wood residues as well as leaves and green waste for layering.

What costs can arise

Anyone who uses a forage harvester can expect one-time acquisition costs of around 500 euros. Disposal via a tree cuttings container costs approx. 150 euros to book. The local waste disposal company usually does not incur any costs for smaller quantities, although there may be differences between the regions.

Wild landfills

Removing the pruning from the edge of the forest is an illegal crime. Although the material is biodegradable, it can have negative effects on nature and disturb the communities of animals and plants. Pollutants play less of a role in pruning, so that there are generally no hazards for soil and water.

The effects on human wellbeing, on the other hand, are more important. In some areas the recreational function of nature is impaired by the deposition of tree cuttings in forests and bushes, because the garbage dumps do not look particularly beautiful.

Fines for unauthorized disposal

The fines for illegal disposal vary depending on the federal state. These also depend on the amount. A distinction is made between the volume of a bucket, a trunk and a truckload. The lowest fines for small loads in Schleswig-Holstein are between five and 20 euros. Fines of up to 2,000 euros are possible in Bremen and Hamburg. Unloaded quantities that exceed a truckload can cost up to 2,500 euros in the Saarland.


Reclaimed wood like Railway sleepers should never be disposed of together with tree cuttings, as this can be polluted. Proper disposal via the recycling center is provided for this.