The best 5 tips for beautiful growth

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Tip 1: Use special pots and substrates

Never put the tropical epiphytes in ordinary ones Potting soil.
Orchid soil, which you can get from specialist shops, is very coarse-grained, so that a lot of air gets to the roots of the orchids. This substrate also prevents waterlogging.

  • Always use orchid pots. These should only be a little larger than the old vessel.
  • Shake used soil completely out of the storage organs.
  • Cut off rotten and dead root parts with a sharp knife.
  • After repotting, do not water as usual, but spray the fresh substrate with an atomizer.
  • Be careful not to wet the leaves. If water collects in the leaf axils, this can also lead to rot.

also read

  • Valuable tips on how to properly repot the anthurium
  • Orchid is losing all leaves - common causes with problem-solving tips
  • How to plant orchids in a bowl - tips for a noble decoration idea

Tip 2: water properly

Only use water that is room temperature and very low in lime. Rainwater is also good. An insider tip is aquarium water.

Tip 3: Avoid waterlogging at all costs

If you mean the water supply too well and the orchid has permanently wet feet as a result, the roots almost always start to rot. Therefore, make sure that no water collects in the planter and remains there.

Tip 4: fertilize in moderation and with the right agent

To ensure the supply of nutrients, you should always use low doses Orchid fertilizer use. Highly concentrated house plant fertilizers accumulate in the substrate because the plant cannot absorb all the nutrients. This can cause the orchid to die for no apparent reason.

Tip 5: Remove what has withered - the right way

Faded flower stalks must be removed. However, make sure you let them stand until they have dried out. Cut off above the second or third bud.


One often hears the advice to pour the exotic beauties with just one shot glass of water per week. This is not enough for the frugal plants either. Check the moisture of the substrate with the thumb test and water so that the soil is wet. Excess liquid runs off and is then poured away.