Toxic or to use as a tea plant?

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However, it is camellia a bit demanding about Location and care. Nevertheless, it is very suitable for the family garden, provided you plant the shrub in a light, well-protected place from wind and frost with a slightly acidic soil. Here, the need for care is within manageable limits. However, the camellia is not hardy and depend on adequate winter protection or frost-free winter quarters.

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The camellia is said to be slightly toxic to horses because of the caffeine it contains. For an effect worth mentioning, however, the animals would have to consume such large quantities that damage is very unlikely. So enjoy the blaze of color during the Heyday instead of worrying unnecessarily.

Can the camellia be used to make tea?

The camellia (bot. Camellia japonica) actually with the tea bush (bot. Camellia sinensis), but is only cultivated as an ornamental plant. It is said that the Chinese sold the camellia to Europeans as a real tea bush. With this ruse they wanted to maintain their monopoly on tea. In fact, the camellia seeds are said to contain oil, which was used in earlier times to protect Japanese knives and weapons from corrosion.

The essentials in brief:

  • related to the tea bush
  • Non-toxic to humans, but not suitable for tea production
  • may contain caffeine
  • classified as slightly toxic for horses


You can safely plant the magnificently blooming camellia in your family garden. But since it is not hardy, ensure adequate protection from cold wind and frost.