This is how you get rid of the biting insects

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Short profile of the grass mite

To successfully control pests, it is always helpful to know their lifestyle habits and preferences. Therefore, below is a brief overview of the appearance and behavior of the grass mite.

  • belong to the arachnids
  • also known under the names autumn grass mite, autumn mite, grass louse or harvest mite
  • are only 0.2 to 0.3 mm in size

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Where do grass mites live?

Grass mites usually stay on the ground. In search of a suitable host, they lurk on the tips of the blades of grass. If a living being roams past, depending on their size, they drop or stick to the fur or skin. Grass mites prefer dry climates and warm temperatures. Therefore, the occurrence is particularly high in the warm season.

Identify grass mites

Would you like to check whether there are grass mites in your lawn? There is a simple trick to do this:

  1. On a sunny day, place a piece of black paper or a dark piece of foil on the lawn.
  2. Wait a few minutes.
  3. Check the paper or the foil for small red animals.

But how does this application work? Quite simply: the black paper heats up in the sun due to its color. Since grass mites love warmth, they crawl from the blades of grass onto the paper.

Incidentally, grass mites do not colonize the entire lawn area. They usually form patchy colonies that appear sporadically in the garden. So use the trick described above in several places.

Are grass mites dangerous?

There is no danger from adult animals. You already have your last one Stage of life reach and spend their lives mostly underground. The grass mite larvae, on the other hand, cause painful stings. However, unlike ticks or mosquitoes, they do not suck blood. Therefore, they do not transmit diseases. However, they feed on small pieces of skin that they scrape off the epidermis with their mouthparts. In doing so, they secrete a corrosive saliva secretion. They then break away from their host and mature into adult animals.

Symptoms of a sting

  • itching
  • Pain (occurs after a delay, usually after 24 hours)
  • Redness
  • Wheals
  • often on the groin, the ankle or in the hollow of the knee
  • more than just a stab
  • Complaints last up to two weeks
  • allergic reactions possible

What does relief promise?

Although grass mite bites are often very itchy, you should avoid scratching the area. This only increased the risk of the small punctures becoming infected. A cooling gel from the pharmacy can help reduce the itching a little. If the application remains unsuccessful, it is best to consult a doctor. They will prescribe an ointment containing cortisone.

Who is at risk?

Unfortunately, nobody is safe from grass mites. The size of the host does not play a role in the selection. Grass mites can even penetrate thick animal fur.

Get rid of grass mites

Lawn care

In summer, it is advisable to sprinkle the lawn regularly. Since grass mites avoid moisture, they look for a different habitat when the grass is too wet. Furthermore, the animals do not only nest on fresh stalks. The pruning that occurs when mowing is also a welcome area. Therefore, dispose of the waste outside of your garden. Please note, however, that you compost the clippings legally.
If grass mites encounter unfavorable conditions on the surface of the earth, they sometimes also crawl into the lower layers of the earth. They penetrate up to a meter into the ground. As soon as the situation on the earth's surface improves, they will reappear. You can prevent this by disturbing the pests in their place of retreat. Thoroughly de-moss and scarify your garden.

Other means

They also have two Home remedies proven to combat grass mites:

  • Neem oil
  • and kieselguhr powder

help drive out the population. Pour the agent of your choice onto the affected areas in the lawn. You can find these with the trick explained above.