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Spring - the best time to repot

As with most other plants, the best time for the fern to repot is in the spring after overwintering (between February and March). He should have moved from his old home to a new home by May at the latest.

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  • Fertilize the fern - sources of error lurk here
  • Pouring African violets: sources of error lurk here!
  • Sharing a fern: this is how it works!

You shouldn't repot your fern later. If he is in the process of budding his new fronds and thus outside of his rest period, he is reluctant to forgive a change of location. It can take damage and develop brown fronds.

How often should be repotted?

The frequency of repotting depends on the type of fern and its rate of growth. Most young ferns require repotting every 1 to 2 years. Older ferns can be repotted every 3 to 4 years. Less often - usually every 4 to 6 years - the leisurely growing cycads have to be repotted.

Divide and remove old ballast before repotting

Before repotting, you have the chance to rid your fern of old ballast such as dead roots and brown fronds. At the same time is a suitable time for

share came. The following Fern species can be easily shared:

  • Maidenhair fern
  • Sickle fern
  • Button yarn
  • Hemlock fern

How to repot correctly!

Shallow bowls and half-height and wide pots are best used as containers, as ferns are usually shallow-rooted. Flower baskets are also ideal for these plants. Of the Location for the vessel should be light, partially shaded to shady, warm, humid and protected from drafts (e. B. Kitchen, bathroom, staircase).

How to proceed:

  • provide suitable substrate z. B. Potting soil
  • Create a drainage layer
  • Fill the new pot about 1/3 with new substrate
  • Lift fern out of old pot
  • Gently shake off old earth
  • Put the fern in a new pot and cover with soil
  • press on and pour on

Tips & Tricks

Only repot when the roots completely fill the old pot and look out from below!