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Rhubarb prefers humus and nutrient-rich, permeable moist soils. Full sun is not necessary, because the stem vegetables feel more comfortable in a partially shaded location. This should be surrounded by sunlight for a few hours a day so that the plant develops strong stems.

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When planting, keep in mind that rhubarb is a perennial that can grow significantly. One square meter of space is the absolute minimum for slower growing, red-fleshed varieties such as "Holsteiner Blut". Green-fleshed rhubarb spreads even more and should have about 1.5 square meters of space.

Soil preparation

In order to meet the demands of the stem vegetable, you must first loosen the soil deeply and remove all weeds.

  • Mix sandy substrate with plenty of deciduous humus, as this increases the soil's ability to store water.
  • Put in the rhubarb and pour very thoroughly.
  • You will then work around the perennial Compost soil one that you are with Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) have enriched.
  • The stem vegetables are grateful for a protective layer of bark mulch that slowly decomposes.

The care

  • Rhubarb is thirsty and needs to be watered abundantly, not only in the main growth phase May and June.
  • Since only the stems are used in the kitchen, you can spread the large leaves around the plant as valuable mulch material.
  • The nutrient requirements are covered by fertilizers with compost and horn shavings in spring.
  • When the harvest time is coming to an end in June, supply the stem vegetables again with organic Vegetable fertilizer.(€ 14.99 at Amazon *)
  • Rhubarb is extremely hardy. Additional winter protection is not necessary.

Rhubarb is very robust and is avoided by snails and voles. Occasionally, however, it is attacked by leaf spot diseases. It is then sufficient to break out all the affected leaves and dispose of them in the household waste.

How and when can I harvest?

If you want to harvest aromatic rhubarb for many years, you should be patient and break out the stems in the second, or even better, in the third year after planting. In order not to weaken the plant too much, only remove a good third to about half of the leaves during the entire harvest time.

This lasts from May to the end of June. After that, the oxalic acid content of the stem vegetables increases so much that it should no longer be eaten.


You should never cut out rhubarb stalks, but always break them out of the attachment point with a slight jerk.