Information on roots, trunk and fronds

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Basement: the roots

Mostly under the surface of the earth forms the fern a rhizome. The fine roots lie against him. Some Fern species such as the funnel fern also create several meter-long runners. With them, these plants like to spread uncontrollably.

also read

  • Not all ferns are alike - the most important fern species
  • The fern and why there are no seeds from it
  • Fern - 3 common ways to propagate

1. Floor: The shoot axis or the trunk

Shortly above the ground, these herbaceous perennials form a sprout axis or Stem out. These are equipped with a sophisticated water pipe system. There are fine tubes that carry the water from the roots up to the leaves. The exception is the tree fern. It does not have a stem, but a woody trunk.

2. Floor: The fronds

The foliage rich in chlorophyll forms the next level. The different Fern species and fern varieties allow for numerous shapes and colors of foliage. Whether green, red or silvery-gray, single-pinnate, double-pinnate or multiple-pinnate - the diversity is great.

The leaves, which are called fronds in the fern, are composed of a leaf blade and a petiole. As a rule, the palm fronds hang down like an arch. When budding, they are curled up interestingly. They can be deciduous, wintergreen, or evergreen.

Ferns do not have flowers, fruits, or seeds

Other distinctive features of ferns are the following:

  • do not have blossoms
  • do not produce fruits or seeds
  • are so-called spore plants
  • Spurs serve for reproduction
  • Spores are located in spore containers on the underside of the fronds
  • Spores ripen in summer and are spread by the wind

Tips & Tricks

Even if ferns have no fruit or Develop seeds. They spread wildly with the help of their spores and do not value losses. Think carefully beforehand whether you really want to plant a fern.

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