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It is difficult or impossible to transplant an old tree

The popular saying about the old tree that is no longer transplanted has its justification. Fruit trees in particular, such as apple trees, react to being moved to a new one Location extremely sensitive with age. So should an apple tree only several years after that Copulate be replanted, a corresponding effort must be made Dig out, preparing the new planting hole and during Water be operated within the first few weeks after moving.

also read

  • Pruning apple tree
  • Cut a young apple tree yourself
  • Moving a pear tree - helpful tips for transplanting

Trunk thickness and treetop determine the effort

If the trunk is more than eight centimeters thick, it may be necessary to use heavy machinery such as excavators or lifting cranes when moving an apple tree. In the case of smaller trees, manual repositioning is usually possible with the following equipment:

  • Planting spade with a sharp edge
  • looser humus for the new planting hole
  • Water for sufficient sludge at the new location
  • Planting scissors for roots and treetops

Since an apple tree has a lot of fine hair roots, the root ball to be excavated is roughly as wide as that, according to a rule of thumb Treetop dig up. Since this is due to the size is not always possible to have protruding roots spade and scissors neatly severed.

Increase the tree's chances of survival in the new location

So that the decimated root ball can still ensure the supply of the apple tree, the tree crown usually has to be massive trimmed will. In addition, the new planting hole should be dug larger and lined with loose humus so that the tree can take root. Here is for the apple tree as Shallow root the width of the planting hole is more important than the depth. In addition, a pouring edge can be modeled in the soil around the trunk, which facilitates the water supply in the first time after transplanting.

Tips & Tricks

Moving an apple tree of a certain size can be laborious, but it can be compared to planting one Seedlings Time to the first bigger one harvest save.