Sowing peppers: sowing according to the 2020 lunar calendar

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Paprika comes from the subtropical regions of Central and South America. The healthy vegetables come raw, fried, steamed or pickled in a sweet and sour sauce on the table. More and more hobby gardeners are trying their hand at growing peppers. Those who know the needs of the plant and follow the instructions in the lunar calendar will be rewarded with a rich harvest. We have put together the most important information for you.

Bell pepper variety

Like tomatoes, peppers (Capsicum) belong to the nightshade family (Solanaceae). The vegetables are divided into mild sweet peppers, chilli peppers, chili peppers and chilli depending on their spiciness. All variants contain capsaicin, the substance that is responsible for the spiciness. The most common variant in Germany is Capsicum annuum.


You can buy bell pepper plants from specialist gardeners. However, it is a lot of fun to grow the plants from paprika seeds yourself. The variety selection is huge. You will be surprised by the variety of shapes, colors and different flavors. So that the seeds become robust

To be able to develop little plants, we use the lunar calendar and the knowledge of previous generations.

Site conditions

Bell pepper plant - CapsicumBell pepper plants do well in the greenhouse. The warm temperatures of last summer make it possible to grow peppers outdoors in sun-drenched regions. For everyone else, there is an ideal location on the sheltered balcony.

Sow Capsicum

To sow the pepper seeds you will need

  • a planter bowl
  • Sowing soil
  • possibly a mini greenhouse for the windowsill

Fill the soil in the planter bowl. Lay out the pepper seeds two centimeters apart. Put a layer of soil about 1 centimeter thick on top. Carefully pour the seeds with water at room temperature. Cover the seed tray with foil. Ventilate the cover daily to prevent mold growth. The first seedlings can be seen after two weeks.

Then the foil can be removed. When the small plants have four cotyledons, they can be planted in pots.

Attention: Bell pepper plants need warmth and light in order to develop well. The optimal temperature is 20 to 22 degrees Celsius.

Point of time

In the lunar calendar, fruit days are marked as suitable times for sowing the pepper seeds. They correspond with the fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The element fire brings warmth to the earth and supports heat-loving plants such as capsicum, cucumber, zucchini and pumpkin. The sowing in the window sill, the planting in the bed should take place on fruit days. Fruit days are also suitable for obtaining new seeds or cutting cuttings.

The 2020 lunar calendar shows the dates for spreading the pepper seeds:

  • 08. until 09. February
  • 06. until 07. March
  • 11. until 12. April
  • 08. until 10. May

By the way, it will not always be possible to focus the activities in the garden exclusively on the moon. After all, the weather also has a decisive influence. However, if you have internalized the change between fruit, leaf, blossom and root days and plan your gardening afterwards, you will soon notice the success.

The lunar calendar

Sow peppers according to the lunar calendarThe moon affects much of what happens on earth. It has an influence on the weather, on the changing of the tides and on the development of the

Plants. Maria Thun (1922 - 2012) is considered to be the founder of the lunar or lunar calendar. She studied the effect of the moon on plant growth. She found out that the four elements fire, air, earth and water have an effect on the organs of plants.

She determined direct connections between

  • Fire and fruit
  • Air and blossom
  • Earth and root
  • Water and leaf

More and more farmers, allotment gardeners and self-sufficient people are looking for the best time to sow, plant, fertilize and harvest according to the lunar calendar. The calendar differentiates the lunar periods

  • new moon
  • increasing Moon
  • Full moon
  • waning moon

In addition to the phases of the moon, the position of the moon in the twelve signs of the zodiac also has a meaning. Each sign of the zodiac is assigned to a phase of the moon.

  • Fire: Sagittarius, Leo, Aries
  • Earth: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
  • Air: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
  • Water: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio

Depending on the position of the moon, the lunar calendar represents favorable and unfavorable days for all gardening activities and marks them as

  • Fruit days
  • Flowering days
  • Root days
  • Leaf days

Note: Before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, which is used worldwide today, many cultures took their cue from the moon. Each of the twelve months denotes a change in the moon.