Why and how is it done?

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Why should you pile up your French beans?

Piling up is useful for beans for several reasons, as the plant can form side roots, which in turn have positive effects on the growth of the plant:

  • The French beans have more grip and are less endangered in storms and weather.
  • The French beans can absorb more water.
  • The French beans can absorb more nutrients.

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In summary, this means that piling leads to the fact that the French beans grow stronger and healthier and thus a higher harvest yield can be achieved.

When are French beans piled up?

Bush beans are piled up when they have grown vigorously, that is, when they have reached a height of about 15cm to 25cm. This can be in April, June or July, depending on the planting time.
Even if you missed the ideal time to pile up, you can still pile up later. This gives the sensitive plants a better hold at all times.

Pile up the French beans step by step

Choose a sunny day to pile your French beans so that a sudden downpour doesn't ruin your work. Then do the following:

  • Carefully loosen the soil around the French beans.
  • Use your hands to push soil up the stem of your French beans.
  • The heap can be up to five centimeters high.
  • Then press the soil firmly so that it is not washed away during the next downpour.

When piling up, be careful not to injure your young green beans.

Is piling absolutely necessary?

Even French beans that are not piled up can carry plenty of beans and do not have to fall over in the first storm. Bush beans in particular, which are in a protected location, can do without piling up. For French beans that are exposed to a lot of wind, piling is highly recommended. If your French beans break off, this is a clear sign that a pile would (was) necessary.


If you notice that your French beans are still lacking stability, you can repeat the piling later in the year.