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When and how should you cut the feather grass?

You should take the correct cutting of the feather grass seriously:

  • do not prune back in autumn
  • Stalks and leaves serve as natural protection against winter wetness
  • cut down in early spring (February to March)
  • this creates space for new shoots
  • hand high or Cut back up to 10 cm above the ground

also read

  • Cutting Feather Grass: How To Do It Right
  • Find a location for the feather grass
  • The feather grass in the garden: advantages, location and reproduction

Should you water the feather grass and if so, when?

The biggest enemy of this ornamental grass is waterlogging. So be sure to put it in a well-drained soil. It has to be poured Feather grass not necessarily. It should only be supplied with water in summer heat and during prolonged dry periods.

Does the feather grass need fertilizer?

you Feather grass hardly grows anymore? The pretty flowers are also missing? A portion of fertilizer may help now. Usually the feather grass does not need fertilizer as it prefers poor soils. But if it loses its strength, a fertilizer in the form of liquid manure, coffee grounds or black tea may help. Even in the bucket, the feather grass should only be fertilized sparingly.

How do you overwinter this ornamental grass?

In winter, the feather grass is tied into a bundle with a rope. If you accidentally cut off the stalks, you should place spruce branches or fir branches over the root area. That protects against moisture. It is not necessary to take any further measures.

Are there diseases or pests that make life difficult for him?

As a rule, there are no pests that willingly seek the vicinity of this ornamental grass. At least pests don't eat the leaves and stalks. At most, they come closer to the feather grass in order to find shelter there, for example to hibernate. If you notice diseased stalks or leaves, cut Just take this off.


You can safely cut off the flower stalks dried on the plant in autumn and put them in a vase at home (without water).

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