Recognize and treat diseases

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Common peppermint diseases

  • Peppermint rust
  • mildew
  • Rootstock and stem rot
  • Verticillium wilt

Peppermint rust

This is a fungal disease that is noticeable through thickened and dried up shoots as well as spots on the leaves. Peppermint rust occurs quite often and is favored by excessive humidity.

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If you noticed the infestation in good time, cut all the shoots down to the ground. Put out a brew Field horsetail by soaking fresh cabbage in water for two to three days and then sieving it out.

Spray the infested peppermint plant several times with the brew. If the infestation is very advanced, the only thing that helps is to pull out the peppermint completely and to plant new herbs in another location or to sow.


If the leaves show a gray-white coating, this is the case mildew responsible. It is particularly common in damp weather.

Cut off all infected shoots close to the ground. Fertilize Sprinkle the plants with nettle manure to make them stronger.

Rootstock and stem rot

You can recognize this disease by the fact that the stems of the peppermint become soft and rotten at the bottom. The putrefaction occurs when the peppermint is too wet. Make sure that irrigation and rainwater can drain away.

Verticillium wilt

If the leaves droop and begin to wither even though you water regularly, the peppermint will suffer from verticillium wilt. It is caused by a fungus and is difficult to control. It can therefore make sense to completely dispose of infected plants.

Prevention is the best protection

At a cheap Location Peppermint grows vigorously so that diseases do not affect it that much. Basically, you should make sure that you use the Do not plant peppermint too densely, the soil is permeable and contains sufficient nutrients.

Tips & Tricks

To make your peppermint more disease-resistant, never care for the herb in one place for too long. Move the plants every three to five years. This means that the pathogens causing peppermint diseases cannot spread as quickly.
