Sow vegetables in midsummer

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  • Becomes traditional Chinese cabbage Sown at the end of July as a post-crop. Alternatively, you can buy small seedlings from the nursery and transplant them into the bed in August.
  • Pak choi is becoming more and more popular in the kitchen. Sown at the beginning of August, the tender heads are ready for harvest by the end of September.
  • Kale-Lovers cultivate delicate-leaved varieties as baby leaf vegetables. Sow the cabbage quite densely in rows six inches apart. You can harvest the young leaves continuously and enjoy them raw in a salad or steamed for a short time.


Drag Fennel in pots on the terrace, you can transplant the vegetables into the bed as a post-crop until mid-August. Here it grows quickly and is fully mature by the beginning of October at the latest.

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  • The Columbine: when is the right time to sow?
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The delicious tubers can even withstand light frost. Sown thinly in rows, the plants are ready for harvest after seven to eight weeks.

Lettuce and spinach

  • spinach for the autumn harvest you can sow until the beginning of September. Since the weather conditions are a little more humid in autumn, you should use late mildew-resistant varieties.
  • Endive Salat is a classic autumn salad. You can obtain pre-grown plants from the nursery and bring them to the bed as post-cultivation.
  • Now is the time for the popular Lamb's lettuce. Sown in mid to late August, you can harvest in September.
  • For Swiss chard it's never too late. If you sow this in August, cut the leaves with the brightly colored stems as baby leaves. Briefly steamed, an extremely aromatic and healthy pleasure. If you give the chard winter protection in late autumn, it will withstand the cold well and can even be cultivated for two years.
  • Winter purslane is absolutely undemanding. Like winter cress and wild rocket, it only germinates well at low temperatures.

Pay attention to the crop rotation

When reseeding, you should not ignore the crop rotation. Heavy consumers should now be followed by weak or medium consumers. You should also avoid vegetables from the same plant family in the next crop.


You can even grow beetroot in August. Simply sow varieties like the “red ball” a little more densely and harvest the tender tubers when they have just reached the size of a table tennis ball.

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