What height can it have?

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The maximum height

This is not regulated uniformly nationwide. In addition to the applicable state building regulations, each municipality can issue its own regulations, which you can find in the local development plan.

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However, there are guidelines that you can use as a guide:

  • Walls that represent a symbolic border can be 40 to 90 centimeters high.
  • In the case of privacy walls, a height of 180 centimeters is usually the upper limit.

In addition, depending on the federal state, a minimum distance to the neighboring property must be maintained.

Garden wall directly on the property line

In this case, neighborhood law applies. Here, too, the local requirements differ with regard to the height of a garden wall. If this is used to enclose the property, in most federal states it must be at least 120 centimeters and a maximum of 180 centimeters high.

In your state, the permitted or However, the required amount may differ from these values. In addition, the respective municipalities may have their own regulations.

It is better to talk to the neighbors in advance

Some people find a partial enclosure of the property disturbing. Therefore, in almost all federal states, the written consent of the direct residents must be obtained before the garden wall is built.

If they agree to the construction, the wall may even exceed the maximum dimensions under certain circumstances. However, if the neighbor does not agree, for example because he does not want a shadow cast by the garden wall, you will have to do without the desired privacy screen.

The wall must be "customary for the location"

An important aspect for the approval by the municipality is the “local custom. This means that the appearance of the wall in a delimitable environment must correspond in its manner to the prevailing enclosure. However, deviations from this are possible, because otherwise there would be uniformity and no local custom.


In any case, it is advisable to speak to the local building authority before erecting the garden wall. There you can not only inquire about the regulations in force at your place of residence, but also submit a building application directly.