How fast does bamboo grow?

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Bamboo is a sweet grass, but shows a remarkable growth compared to native grass species. What is particularly interesting is the speed at which the plant grows, which outperforms all other plants in the world. Giant bamboo grows as big as a tree in its homeland. It goes without saying that the bamboo stays smaller in home gardens.

The bamboo in his homeland

Bamboo feels so comfortable in tropical and subtropical climates that it can reach heights of over 40 m. It can grow at a rate of one meter per day. It is not only the climate that is responsible for the rapid growth, but also a good supply of nutrients and enough water.

Growth in the garden

In gardens with a Central European climate, bamboo does not grow as high as in its home country. It's just too cold for him. The speed at which the bamboo grows is also much slower. While some species make it a few centimeters a day, others manage to at least 30 cm a day. In contrast to the length, the bamboo hardly increases in thickness as soon as it sprouts out of the ground. The rods only push themselves up until they reach their final length, only then do the leaves unfold.

Bamboo species - height and speed of growth

  • Fargesia, 1 to 5 m, 3.5 cm a day
  • Phyllostachys, 6 to 12 m, 15 to 25 cm a day
  • Pleioblastus, 40 to 150 cm, 2.5 to 5 cm a day
  • Sasa or Sasaella, 30 to 200 cm, 5 to 10 cm a day
  • Pseudosasa, 4 m

Note: The actual growth also depends on the climate, which can differ even within a certain region

Final height

Umbrella bamboo - Fargesia murielaeIf the bamboo likes the chosen place, it will soon start to grow. In the first year it can gain in height considerably. Sometimes, however, growth can be delayed because the rhizome in the soil spreads first. Depending on the type of bamboo, it can take from a few weeks to several years for the bamboo to mature.

Affect growth

As with other plants, bamboo grows best when it is comfortable. The earth should be permeable and not too dense. Watering is abundant in hot, dry summers. The pronounced growth in length also requires a lot of energy, one

Abundant fertilization at the beginning of the growing season is essential.

Cutting bamboo

In order for the plants to remain beautiful, the old, dried-up stalks should be cut out to make space for new ones. After about 7 years, the old stalks die by themselves, but it is also possible to cut them out after about 4 to 5 years and use them to rejuvenate the plant.

Note: Bamboo can also be pruned like a hedge, but it changes its natural appearance.

Curb growth

With many types of bamboo, the growth of the rhizome has to be curbed, otherwise it will eventually overgrow the whole garden and that of the neighbor. In one growing season, the rhizome can easily crawl 10 m. A rhizome barrier is absolutely necessary, except for Fargesia species, which tend to grow in a herbaceous manner.
Once the bamboo has expanded undesirably, it is difficult to get rid of. It is of no use to shorten the stalks as soon as they sprout out of the earth with the lawnmower. The entire plant must be dug up and every piece of rhizome removed.