How to clean them up properly

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Cleaning the king oyster mushrooms is very little work

On the other hand, cleaning the king oyster mushrooms makes all the less work. You do not have to wash the cultivated mushrooms, which are already quite clean, you can simply rub them off with a cloth or a brush. The dried-on end of the stem is removed, as well as any dark spots on the hat and stem - done! You can then use the fine mushrooms depending on how you want to prepare them cut and process. Usually the king oyster mushrooms are simply cut into thin slices and fried. By the way: You shouldn't wash these delicate mushrooms at all, otherwise they will soak up a lot of water and lose their aroma. You will then notice this in the pan when the water comes out again during frying.

also read

  • For carefree mushroom enjoyment: store king oyster mushrooms correctly
  • Simply cut king oyster mushrooms with a vegetable slicer
  • Freeze king oyster mushrooms - a worthy substitute for porcini mushrooms even when frozen

How long can king oyster mushrooms be stored?

In general, mushrooms do not have a long shelf life - the protein they contain decomposes within a very short time, depending on the type, so that the mushroom ultimately becomes inedible. Of course, this also applies to king oyster mushrooms, which are also best prepared and enjoyed fresh. If this is not possible, you can store the mushrooms in the refrigerator's vegetable drawer for a few days store. In this case, take it out of the plastic tray and wrap it in a damp cotton or linen cloth. However, the mushrooms will stay freshest if you clean them, cut them and then freeze them. Frozen king oyster mushrooms can be used like fresh ones.

How to prepare king oyster mushrooms correctly - tips & ideas

King oyster mushrooms are very versatile: you can boil, fry, stew, grill or stew them. The mushrooms, finely sliced, taste like champignons, but also when raw as a salad, marinated in a sauce made from vinegar, oil and herbs. However, the delicate mushrooms taste best when you simply fry them in a pan in a mixture of butter and olive oil and together with finely diced onions. Finally, you can season them with salt and pepper and sprinkle with fresh, chopped parsley. A creamy cream sauce also tastes very good, then king oyster mushrooms are the perfect addition to pasta.


You can buy king oyster mushrooms from both conventional and organic cultivation. Conventional farmers often support the growth of the sensitive mushrooms with fungicides and other poisons, which you then of course eat with them. If you don't want that, you can choose king oyster mushrooms from organic farming.