Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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Water and nutrient requirements

In the first two weeks immediately after planting, medlars need plenty of water. Pay attention to when the substrate has dried well. This is the ideal time to water both for young plants and for grown shrubs. You should water the trees at the base so that the leaves do not get water. This will reduce the risk of fungal spores settling on the leaves. Older plants require less water. They just need regular and pervasive watering during prolonged periods of drought.

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  • When to water your medallion loquat
  • Why the medlar does not bloom
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Medlars need a certain amount of nutrients in the substrate in order to develop leaves, flowers and fruits. Your instinct is required here, because the wood does not like too much or too little fertilizer. Give the plant a long-term or depot fertilizer in spring. It benefits from the nutrients all year round and does not need any additional fertilizer during this growing season.

Cutting measures

Medlars tend to form spreading branches. In order to promote compact and dense growth, you should prune your medallion several times a year. The bushes can withstand strong pruning down to half a meter above the ground in spring. They then sprout again. Be careful not to cut off too many branches with flower buds. This limits the number of flowers this year, because the plants for flowers are formed in autumn.

The varieties grow differently in spring and summer. 'Red Robin' is characterized by high growth and should be pruned a second time in July or August. Cutbacks are possible until October. Subsequent pruning measures can lead to frost damage to the freshly cut branches in the event of a sudden onset of winter.


The varieties are frost hardy to different degrees. Some plants can withstand temperatures down to -20 degrees Celsius. Nevertheless, the bushes are endangered by prolonged permanent frosts. They ensure that the soil freezes down to the deeper layers. The plants need winter protection.

How to overwinter the bushes:

  • cover the bottom with fleece or fir branches
  • Place potted plants in a frost-free place
  • Water potted plants

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