Location, soil, planting time and more

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Find the best location

In order for a weigela to come into its own, it needs sufficient space. Basically, it grows almost everywhere. The weigela does not bloom in the shade and also in the Penumbra it is quite lazy to flower, so you should better attach a weigela to one sunny place plants.

also read

  • How to care for your weigela - tips and tricks
  • When is the weigela bloom?
  • How to plant shrubs - tips and tricks

Prepare the soil well

Loose, permeable and nutrient-rich soil is ideal for weigela. However, you can prepare a less suitable soil accordingly. Mix in some sand in heavy soil and put a good portion of well-rotted compost in the planting hole to increase the nutrient density. Like many other plants, weigela does not tolerate waterlogging at all.

When should I plant Weigela?

If you have bought a weigela as a container plant, you can put it in the garden practically at any time transplant. Plantings in spring and autumn are generally quite tolerable, summer plantings require more intensive care. If you would like to plant the weigela in a hedge, adjust the timing to the needs of possibly more sensitive plants.

Plant the weigela in the tub

If you have decided on a weigela that stays small, then you can too in a bucket or plant another container. Here, too, permeability is very important. You should therefore use a vessel with a hole in the bottom that you cover with an old pottery shard. Freshly repotted, the nutritional requirements of your Weigela are well covered for some time. Later, you should use potted plants regularly fertilize.

The essentials in brief:

  • sunny location
  • humus-rich, well-drained soil
  • Put compost in the planting hole
  • Planting in a tub is possible for dwarf varieties


If your weigela is to bloom profusely, the right choice of location is very important, because in the shade the weigela does not bloom the way you might want.