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The right winter care for gypsophila

Gypsophila usually does not need protection from the cold in the bed. Nevertheless, it makes sense to cover the plants generously. There are two reasons for this. A thick layer of brushwood or leaves not only protects against too much rain. It also largely prevents wild rabbits from using your plants as winter forage. Because although gypsophila as slightly poisonous applies, people like to nibble on it.

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  • Gypsophila for the wedding
  • Is gypsophila poisonous?
  • Do you have to cut gypsophila?

Gypsophila doesn't like it wet, because that easily leads to root rot. You can therefore do without watering these plants in winter. Usually the rainfall during this time is more than sufficient. Is the Location generally very humid, then you should transplant your gypsophila.

Have you already pruned your gypsophila after flowering? You may have stimulated it to bloom a second time. Even so, you should do it completely in the fall cut back, about a hand's breadth above the floor.

Container plants in winter

In contrast to bedding plants, potted plants cannot tolerate severe frost over a long period of time. There is a risk that the roots will freeze completely and the plants will die. Greenhouses(€ 60.76 at Amazon *) or winter gardens are ideal places to overwinter gypsophila. They don't even need to be heated for this purpose.

A little frost survives too Gypsophila in the pot or planters quite good. You can protect it against stronger frost by wrapping the planter in protective material. Bubble wrap is suitable for this, for example, but also an old blanket or something similar. In addition, you should only water your gypsophila a little every now and then.

The most important tips for winter:

  • Winter as dry as possible
  • protect against too much moisture
  • pour very little
  • Protect potted plants from severe frost
  • prune back in autumn
  • protect from rabbit damage

Tips & Tricks

A thick layer of sticks or leaves will protect your gypsophila from excessive rain and at the same time from being eaten by rabbits.