Prachtscharte ∗ The 10 best care and planting tips (Liatris spicata)

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Plant the splendid gap correctly

Plant the spiked ones Splendid notch in small groups in a sun-drenched location with fresh, moist, humus-rich and well-drained soil. Here you create small pits at a distance of 25-30 cm, the excavation of which is optimized with compost and a little sand. After the still potted root ball has been soaked thoroughly with water, pot the young perennial. Placed in the center of the planting hole, fill the cavity with the substrate, press everything down well and water.
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  • Plant the splendid notch correctly for splendid flowers
  • The Prachtscharte: hardy outdoors?
  • The best location for the Prachtscharte

Care tips

Growth and flowers meet all expectations if the magnificent perennial enjoys this care:

  • Keep the soil constantly slightly moist
  • Organic fertilize monthly from May to August
  • Cut off withered, brown inflorescences
  • Cut the fallen leaves down to the ground before the first frost

After pruning in autumn, cover the root disc with leaves or needles so that permanent winter wetness does not allow the rhizome to rot.
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Which location is suitable?

If the Ährige Prachtscharte is looking for a suitable spot in the great outdoors, it is usually a sunny, warm and sheltered location. In the garden, the pretty shrub is grateful for a nutrient-rich, slightly moist soil in which no water accumulates. If you want to enjoy the elegant flower spikes on the balcony, you can do so in the sun-drenched location in permeable Potting soil based on compost.
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What soil does the plant need?

If this shapely shrub is provided with nutrient-rich, fresh and moist soil, it can tolerate brief droughts during summer periods with little rain without complaint. The strong rhizome should not sink into the water, however, because the plant reacts extremely annoyed to waterlogging. If in doubt, loosen compacted soil with fine sand Grit,(€ 49.99 at Amazon *) Leaf soil or compost. For a spiky splendor in pot culture, we therefore recommend a potting soil with little or no peat, as this material no longer stores and compresses water once it is has dried.

When is the flowering time?

The Ährige Prachtscharte lets us take part in its blooming spectacle from July to September. Do not miss the floral spectacle when the slim cylinders unfold from top to bottom in bright purple, purple or white. After a few days, the entire flower candle is covered with innumerable flower heads, which in turn consist of tiny tubular flowers.

Cut the splendid notch correctly

As soon as a spiked splendor fades, the perennial loses its graceful appearance. Therefore, cut off wilted flower candles as soon as possible. From October the perennial pulls in its grass-like leaves, with the nutrients remaining in them being stored in the underground rhizome. Only after this process is complete and the foliage has withered completely, cut it down to the ground.
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Pour the splendid notch

Fluctuations in the water balance are tolerated good-naturedly, but if they occur repeatedly they have a detrimental effect on vitality and lifespan. You should therefore water the Ährige Prachtscharte regularly when the soil is up to approx. 2 cm deep has dried. Where the rain contributes to the water supply in the bed, this measure is less often the case than for a perennial in a pot.

Fertilize the splendid gap properly

Where there is always a supply of compost available in the naturally cultivated garden, the Ährige Splendid Scharte thanks for a monthly ration in the period from May to August with lush blossoms. Alternatively, a one-time gift is sufficient Complete fertilizer in May to meet the nutritional needs for this season. If the perennial thrives in the pot, add a little liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water every 14 days.


The focus of healthy wintering is on protection from permanent moisture, because the Ährige splendid gorge can withstand frosty temperatures down to - 34 degrees Celsius. The following measures must be taken to protect the rhizome from excessive moisture so that rot does not spread:

  • Cut the perennial close to the ground in autumn
  • Before the first frost, pile up the root disc thickly with leaves and needles
  • After pruning, move potted plants to a frost-free room
  • Water from time to time in the winter quarters so that the rootstock does not dry out

In good time before the new shoots, the winter protection is removed or the planter cleared out again.

Increase the splendor gap

For propagation you have the choice between two methods that are successfully practiced in the hobby garden. The simpler approach is to divide the rhizome in spring or autumn. To do this, dig up the spiked splendor in order to cut it into two or more segments. You can easily plant each section in the sunny location in loose, humus-free soil and water regularly in the following time.

In contrast, the sowing a little more laborious. In March sow the very fine seeds on the seed soil. After the seeds have been sifted only very thinly with sand and watered with a fine shower head, place the seed pot in the partially shaded window seat. Germination progresses rapidly at 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. The seedlings are pricked out when they have at least 2 pairs of leaves. Planting time for seedlings-propagated splendid loops is from mid-May.

How do I transplant properly?

Transplanting onto a spiked splendor has a synergy effect in several respects. If you carry out this maintenance measure every 4 to 5 years, it will make a significant contribution to rejuvenation. At the same time, you have the opportunity to easily multiply the magnificent perennial. How to do it right:

  • Lift the rhizome out of the ground in March / April or August / September
  • Shake off the remaining soil from the roots to cut off stunted and rotten strands
  • With a sharp knife or a sharpened one spade cut up the root ball
  • At the previous and new location, prepare the soil with compost and sand in order to plant the segments
  • The more precisely the previous planting depth is maintained, the faster the rooting will take place

In potted cultivation, we recommend replanting the spiky splendor every 1 to 2 years. At the latest when the roots are completely rooted in the vessel, you can no longer avoid this work in early spring.

Nice varieties

  • Kobold: Compact variety, whose lilac-colored flower spikes stand out in the small garden; Growth height 30-40 cm
  • Floristan: Feathery flowers in bright white characterize this spiky splendor; Growth height up to 80 cm
  • Callilepis: Their purple-colored feathers stretch out towards the sun from July to September; Growth height up to 90 cm
  • Elegans: Noble garden splendor, whose purple-red inflorescences sway gently in the summer wind; Height of growth 60 cm
  • Prairie splendor: Majestic variety whose flower spikes rise up to 150 cm above the narrow leaves