When and with what is it useful?

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Roses protect and strengthen with natural means

Those who protect their roses and strengthen or If you want to treat a disease, you don't have to resort to the chemical club. Biological plant fortifications help prevent diseases and repel pests; at the same time they work like an additional fertilizer - Quite apart from the fact that you do not have to buy these products for expensive money, but can easily produce them yourself. If possible, inject these tonics when the sky is overcast so that the rose petals do not burn due to the lens effect caused by the droplets.

also read

  • Saving sick and dried up roses
  • Beautiful gifts from flowers - roses grow
  • Help! We have aphids on our roses - what to do?

Field horsetail tea

The weeds that grow abundantly at the edges of roads and fields are full of minerals, trace elements and are also a valuable source of silica. You can buy ready-made field horsetail extract in specialist shops, but you can also prepare it yourself using the following recipe:

  • You need 100 grams of fresh or 15 grams of dried herb and a liter of water.
  • Dodge the Field horsetail In the water for 24 hours.
  • Then boil the herb in the soaking water for half an hour and let the broth cool.
  • Dilute the infusion with fresh water in a ratio of 1: 4.

Nettle manure

Stinging nettles are extremely healthy not only for roses, but also for humans - young nettle leaves are especially delicious in salads. Nettle is rich in iron, nitrogen, phosphorus and various trace elements. You can put on nettle manure as follows:

  • You need one kilogram of fresh nettles or 200 grams of dried nettles and 10 liters of water.
  • Cut the nettles into small pieces
  • and put them in an earthenware or plastic container with the water.
  • Let the mixture stand in a dark place for 10 to 14 days
  • and stir them daily.
  • The unpleasant smell can be reduced with something Stone meal mitigate.
  • As soon as the liquid manure no longer foams, fermentation is complete.
  • Now dilute it with fresh water in a ratio of 1:10.

Nettle manure is best used for watering.

Onion or garlic liquid

Allium plants such as garlic or onions help very well against fungal diseases due to their germicidal ingredients. You can prepare garlic or onion manure individually or mixed.

Fast acting sprays for emergencies

If pests or diseases persist in your roses, a fast-acting remedy from specialist shops can help. There are now many biological agents on the market, for example based on neem oil, rapeseed oil or pyrethrum. If, on the other hand, it should be a chemical agent (especially against fungal diseases), then this is sprayed as a preventive measure early on when the leaves shoot and again before the start of flowering. Do not always use the same product, but change brands from time to time - this will prevent resistance.


Transplant your roses with various herbs such as lavender, sage, borage, marigolds, or onions Tagetes. These repel pests and help keep the roses healthy.