Keep moles away with plants

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Plants against moles

Moles are carnivores and only accidentally nibble on plants. Plants therefore only have a deterrent effect on the cute, useful animalsif they stink badly, because moles have very sensitive noses. Planting highly fragrant flowers, herbs and tubers should therefore keep the mole away. Recommended plants are:

  • Imperial Crown (strong smelling bulb)
  • Herbs such as mint, basil or thyme
  • Leek, garlic or onions
  • Incarvillea, simply called "mole fright plant" by the operators - effectiveness unknown
  • Spurge family

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  • Mole or vole in the garden? - How to find out the difference
  • The imperial crown: biological remedy against the mole in the garden?
  • Mole devastates the garden - what to do?


Moles are actually a blessing for any garden because they keep pests away and ensure good soil quality. So think twice about whether you really want to keep this beneficial insect away.

How effective are plants against moles?

Plants are not suitable for driving away a mole that has already settled in. The effect is too weak to drive a mole out of its beloved home. However, combine the plants with other means such as

Buttermilk, Wind turbines or other noises, the undertaking can be crowned with success.
To make a mole's garden as unattractive as possible, strategically planting mole-deterrent plants is a good idea.

Drive the mole away with herbal manure

More effective and above all faster than planting bulbs and flowers is the use of a vegetable manure to get rid of a mole. The liquid manure itself smells sufficiently, but to increase the effect you can use strong-smelling plants as a basis, such as. B. Wormwood, walnut leaves, onions, tomato shoots or horseradish. The latter also stings the mole in the nose.

Prepare liquid manure

All you need to prepare the liquid manure is a large bucket, water and the plant material. Then do the following:

  1. Roughly chop the plant material and fill the bucket halfway with it.
  2. Fill up with water to just below the edge.
  3. Put the bucket in a sheltered location away from the house and patio to avoid the smell. Don't give up Rock flour(€ 12.33 at Amazon *) added to reduce the odor! You need the stink for your mole.
  4. After two to three weeks, when the liquid manure no longer foams, it is ready. You can also use the manure earlier for your purposes, provided it stinks sufficiently.

Use plant manure against moles

When the liquid manure is ready, select several molehills well distributed, dig the passage a little free and pour in a good dose of plant manure. Repeat the process after three to four days when the odor has subsided. If possible, choose rain-free days to prevent the rain from washing away the manure.