Naked in the garden & sunbathing on the balcony: what is allowed?

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Gardens and balconies are often used next to the beach to enjoy sunbathing without clothes. You can find out to what extent you are allowed to stay naked on your own property here.

Unclothed in the garden

If you like to lie freely in the sun to get a perfect and, above all, streak-free tan, you don't have to worry. In Germany it is fundamentally allowed to stay unclothed in your own green oasis. It is not an administrative offense per se, as the property does not belong to the public. Even if you are often naked in the garden, this is not really a problem. This is especially the case if the property meets at least one of the following characteristics:

  • fenced in opaque
  • Location away from streets and sidewalks

For example, when it comes to gardens that are not directly on a street and have a sufficiently high hedge

you don't really have to worry. If it is instead a front garden that is only separated from the sidewalk by a waist-high wall, revealing sunbathing will most likely be an administrative offense (nuisance to the general public) represent. The more open the gardens are, the more likely freedom of movement will be viewed as problematic. Furthermore, certain scenarios must be observed, which could also be counted as an administrative offense:
  • Neighboring balcony with an undisturbed view of the property
  • Permanently open garden gates with a view of sunbathers
  • sunbathing naked in apartment house gardens

Balcony: free movement allowed?

Balconies are also ideal for a streak-free full-body tan. Nevertheless, other factors must be taken into account when sunbathing in the sun on balconies so that it does not result in an administrative offense. Balconies have the disadvantage that they are significantly lower

Walls or grilles. This gives neighbors, passers-by and even drivers an easy glimpse of revealing sunbathers.

Especially balconies facing the street are unsuitable as many people could feel disturbed. For this reason, only balconies facing the inner courtyard should be used for bare sunbathing, as the chance of a complaint is significantly lower. Nevertheless, the location of the balcony is not a free ticket. If the bare skin violates the house rules or if the peace of the house is disrupted, you must sunbathe with adequate clothing.

Privacy helps

Problems caused by freedom of movement can be effectively avoided if a privacy screen is installed afterwards. In the end, it doesn't matter what kind of privacy protection it is, as long as it is high enough and opaque. In most cases, a height of two meters is sufficient for this purpose. Are suitable:

  • Hedges
  • Wood, metal or opaque glass elements
  • Walls
Is it allowed to sunbathe naked?

If a privacy screen is to be installed on the balcony or the roof terrace of a rented apartment, this should be discussed in advance with the landlord or the property manager. Especially with balconies it can happen that certain points have to be adhered to if a permanently installed

Privacy protection is desired. The most common are the following:
  • must not exceed the height of the railing
  • must match the house style
  • must be windproof

Tip: Plants are particularly suitable as privacy protection for larger balconies. If there is no space for large plants such as bamboos, climbing plants on trellises are ideal.

Naked gardening

The "World Naked Gardening Day" has existed since 2005 and takes place (annually since 2006) on the first Saturday in May. This day should lead you to a conscious handling of your own body and gardening. It is apolitical, should lead to a natural body feeling and at the same time point to a non-sexualised nudity.

Possible penalties

If neighbors or pedestrians complain about the freedom of movement, there may be warnings. Even fines are possible, especially if people feel permanently disturbed in public. The amount of the fine depends heavily on the individual case and the region. If the peace of mind in apartment buildings is permanently disturbed by the bare skin in the communal garden or balconies, the tenancy can even be terminated.

Note: Remember that the individual case always determines whether living out nudism in the garden is an administrative offense.

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