When and how is it done?

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The larger and more natural it is laid out, the less effort it will take to clean the garden pond in the years to come. It is a widespread misconception that a change of water would be enough to permanently remove its noticeable cloudiness. If the new ornamental pond was built correctly and cleanly and the The planting is optimally laid out, the water will not be clearer a few days after cleaning either, than before. Until a garden pond is back in its biological equilibrium, it will regulate yourselflike most things in nature - and that takes time!

also read

  • Cloudy water in the garden pond? Our tips!
  • Brief tips for clear water in the garden pond
  • Moving water - the garden pond with a stream

When cleaning the garden pond is the order of the day

In the case of older or incorrectly built ponds with less suitable planting, an occasional general cleaning may be necessary, but this needs to be well prepared. If there are fish in the pond, an alternative roost must first be found, because the buckets filled with tap water do not do it! If garden pond cleaning is an absolute must, it is best to choose a cheap one

Day in September or October, because the planting will otherwise suffer too much. Depending on the size, between 10 and 30 percent of the amount of water should remain in the pond. The aquatic plants must also be properly housed during the procedure. This is easier to do with a prefabricated pond with smooth steep walls than with an ornamental pond with foils was built.

Thinning out the pond plants

The shallow water and marsh plants are freed from excessively pronounced roots that spread almost like a carpet on the walls and on the ground. A large number of suspended solids are deposited here, which contribute to the fact that the weaker young plants are restricted in their growth. Only rigorous and sweaty thinning out helps here. Nevertheless, care should be taken when cleaning the garden pond, so that the seals of the pond or the Welds the film webs are not damaged.

Technology that helps clean your garden pond

Once the pond has become so empty and clear, the next step is the layer of mud on the bottom, which has formed due to rotting water plants and falling autumn leaves. It is responsible for the formation of digester gas and causes damage to the pond organisms and the entire planting, especially when the ice cover is closed in winter. Pond sludge is most thoroughly removed manually, but technical aids are also available, such as:

  • Pond vacuum and
  • Pond skimmer

available, which we will refer to in separate Contributions will be received. Unfortunately, such devices also have their drawbacks as they Beetles, amphibians and small fish left in the garden pond so that the use of suitable shovels and sturdy brooms is definitely more animal-friendly.


In the event that chemical agents are used to clean the garden pond, never use these concentrates neat. They must first be dissolved in a large amount of water before cleaning the pond surface. The additional warnings on the sales packaging should also be observed before using these agents.

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