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the essentials in brief

  • Best Dove fright for the balcony and roof are movable dummies of raven, crow, falcon or owl.
  • You can make your own pigeon fright as a reflector wind chime, scarecrow balloon or wind turbine for the balcony box.
  • Acoustic pigeon fright only has a short-term effect if there is no regular change in frequency and type of noise.

Pigeon fright for the balcony and roof - tips

dove fright

A dummy raven prevents pigeons from settling down

Taubenschreck is the modern interpretation of the classic Scarecrowwhich is supposed to drive away voracious ravens, crows and starlings in the country. In the urban area is the Pigeon defense in focus with effective solutions for balconies and roofs. City pigeons have the uncomfortable habit of polluting the railings, balconies, window sills and roofs with their feces. To put a stop to this behavior, the idea of ​​the pigeon fright was born.

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Well thought-out constructions should trigger the natural flight instinct in pigeons. This mechanism is innate in birds. The main triggers are the silhouettes of predators. Certain visual and acoustic stimuli achieve a similar effect, which pigeons perceive as a danger and take their wings in their hands. The following table gives an overview of which pigeon fright variations have proven themselves in practice for balconies and roofs:

Optically Acoustically Electronically
Raven / crow Motion detector barking dogs Ultrasonic
Falcon / owl Scream device
Scare balloon Aluminum strips
Reflector mobile Metal greyhound
Pinwheel balcony box

The effectiveness of pigeon fright largely depends on the birds not getting used to it. As a result, it is not enough to statically assemble the favored construction and forget it. Pigeons are clever opponents, have excellent powers of observation and cannot simply be fooled. To ensure that your efforts to achieve a pigeon-free balcony are successful in the long term, please read the following explanations on how to use them properly.

Use the Dovecrare Raven correctly

dove fright

A dummy that moves is ideal

The mere sight of a raven, crow, falcon or owl makes a pigeon's blood run cold. After all, they are dreaded predators who have fat pigeons at the top of the menu. For this reason, dummies are considered to be very effective in driving pigeons off balconies and roofs. By observing the following criteria, the scaring effect is retained for a long time:

  • Appearance: use lifelike mockups of sitting or flying ravens (minimum size 40 cm)
  • Attachment: ideally attached flexibly to a nylon cord
  • Change of position: move seated pigeon fright ravens every few days

Omnipresent ravens and crows are the number one enemy for city pigeons. Fierce arguments can be observed every day, in which pigeons draw the short straw. The sight of a raven is enough to trigger a strong instinct to flee. Of course, the black dummies on the balcony and roof are no feast for the eyes. A little more color comes into play when you resort to the falcon or owl as a dovecote. These variants do not detract from the intimidating effect on pigeons.


Bird-Free-Gel creates a blazing fire and scares pigeons with it. Flat, one centimeter high glass bowls are filled with a yellow, weatherproof gel without toxic additives. Pigeon eyes perceive the gel as a flickering fire, which activates the flight instinct. The magic bowls are available in specialist shops, on Amazon and Ebay.

Optical pigeon fright - tips for balloon and greyhound

Pigeons have weak nerves. According to observations of troubled balcony owners, the uninvited guests flee when they see moving objects. As an alternative to bird dummies or a useful addition to the pigeon-frightening crow, experts have chosen Pigeon defense come up with the following deterrents:

Dove-fright balloons

With clever accessories, every large balloon can be transformed into an effective pigeon fright. Specifically, it is a yellow balloon made of durable vinyl with a diameter of 30 to 40 centimeters. Round, reflective stickers simulate large bird of prey eyes. Fluttering, red ribbons at the lower end are supposed to imitate blazing flames. In order for a pigeon scare balloon to keep what its name promises, the following framework conditions must be observed:

  • Location: full sun to sunny and clearly visible
  • Assembly: attach to a weatherproof cord and swing freely
  • Ground clearance: Hang the balloon so high that the red ribbons flutter freely

It is important to note that there is no source of food in the immediate vicinity of the pigeon scare balloon. Furthermore, there is no deterrent effect when pigeons are already breeding on the roof or on the balcony. Chasing away hungry or nesting pigeons is difficult if not impossible.

Reflector mobile


When shimmering glass rods, flashing CDs and other reflective objects do their pirouettes in the sun, pigeons prefer to stay away. The specialist trade has a wide range of colorful pigeon scare mobiles for the balcony. However, the functionality depends largely on the fact that the sun is shining. After all, swinging reflectors are useful when the weather is nice to reinforce other pigeon frightening strategies.

Acoustic pigeon fright - ideas

Despite its name, a pigeon can hear very well. The birds' excellent hearing makes them vulnerable to loud noises. In this notch, acoustic pigeon fright models hit, in that the invisible ears of pigeons are hit with sudden racket. Ideally, the sudden noise suggests the annoying presence of enemies. If necessary, the winged invaders can also be kept away from the balcony with a sudden bang. The following overview provides more detailed information on the acoustic eviction methods in the table above:

  • motion detector: Device with 360 ° radar field solves deceptively real things when pigeons approach barking the end
  • Scream device: Multi-sound device with sensors emits calls from birds of prey
  • Aluminum foil: Flutter tape made of aluminum strips on the balcony railing, window sill and awning
  • Greyhound: Bars made of metal or wood collide in the wind and simulate activity on the balcony at the same time

Annoyed balcony owners always have two wooden boards close at hand for acoustic pigeon fright with immediate effect. Should you catch a pigeon in the act approaching, slam the boards together forcefully.

Electronic pigeon fright - ultrasound

Electronic pigeon fright is imperceptible to the human ear. For pigeons' ears, however, there is an unbearable roar that triggers the natural flight instinct. The secret of success is an ultrasound device that emits specific sound waves at intervals. Not only pigeons run away from the noise, but also martens, moles and Mice.

In order for ultrasound to function as a pigeon scare in the long term, there must be no habituation effect. This succeeds with changing frequencies and locations. Otherwise, the intelligent birds quickly discover that ultrasound poses no serious danger. In view of the acute housing shortage, many city pigeons accept the noise and still settle on the roof, balcony and window sill.


Pigeon defense spirals instead of spikes

dove fright

Spikes pose a high risk of injury to pigeons and other birds

A high number of pigeons cannot be dealt with with pigeon fright. When hordes of pigeons settle down on the roof ridge, window sill and balcony, the focus is on tried and tested pigeon control measures. The much-vaunted spikes certainly have a bitter aftertaste. As 1-2 mm thick skewers in rows of 4 or 6, spikes act as a blockade of pigeons with a high risk of injury to humans and animals. In contrast, spirals made of stainless steel drive away the annoying birds without causing fatal injuries. Pigeons are denied the opportunity to sit on their seats by leaning the individual turns to the side and then straightening up again.

Tinker pigeon fright yourself

Bargain hunters can make a pigeon scare themselves. This succeeds with simple means in the form of a reflective wind chimes. To do this, hang up discarded CDs or blank discs on weatherproof cords (e. B. Fishing line) at different heights. A slight breeze is enough for the windows of the mobile to move, reflecting the sunlight and acting as a pigeon repellent.

A little more sophisticated, but with a decorative effect, colorful wind turbines in the balcony box keep cheeky pigeons off your neck. Six isosceles triangles made of colored construction paper are folded diagonally as rotor blades and fixed with a pin. A thin layer of acrylic varnish ensures weather resistance. A shashlik skewer or flower holder serve as a holding rod. As a wind rotor, a wine cork is useful between the propeller and the stick for the balcony box.

Traditional scarecrow doesn't work

Everyone knows the human-like wooden frames, hung with old clothes, which are supposed to keep pecking birds away from garden beds and arable land in rural regions. What could be more obvious than making a chic scarecrow and draping it decoratively on the balcony than a pigeon fright that is well worth seeing? In fact, you get the opposite effect.

City pigeons have come to appreciate people as generous sources of food. In parks, at bus stops and at train stations, pigeons like to seek proximity to people because breadcrumbs and other leftover food can be found here. At the sight of a human-like figure on the balcony, the cunning birds smell a new feeding place that needs to be examined. Instead of running away in panic, numerous pigeons adore a scarecrow in the hope of a tasty snack.

Buy pigeon fright - shopping sources

dove fright

There are options on the Internet from a few euros to over 1,000 euros

You don't have to go far for a functioning pigeon fright. You can buy dummy birds in spring in any well-stocked supermarket. The Internet can be consulted for special bird scarer models. Alternatively, keep an eye out for Pigeon Fright at the Obi or another hardware store. The following overview lists recommended shopping sources for the pigeon fright of your choice:

  • Raven & Co.: Obi, Bauhaus, Toom, Hornbach, Amazon, Ebay, garden center, supermarket
  • Optical pigeon defense: Amazon, Ebay, hardware store, garden center, online retailer (e. B. vogelscheuche.de)
  • Acoustic pigeon scare devices: Amazon, Ebay, Obi, TONI bird control
  • Electronic pigeon fright ultrasound: Amazon, Ebay, local and online hardware stores, garden centers, specialist retailers

The prices for pigeon fright range from a modest 2.99 euros for raven or crow to 5,700 euros for a professional screeching device in the form of a movable, computer-controlled one Falcon dummy. A powerful pigeon fright is therefore affordable for every budget. Correct use is more important than the amount invested, as this guide explains.

frequently asked Questions

Is a pigeon scarer raven suitable for fighting a pigeon plague on the balcony?

You can usually easily keep individual animals away from the balcony with dummy birds. The Dovecar Raven is not effective enough to deal with a pigeon plague, even if you use several dummies, hang them up and move them regularly. For fighting a pigeon horde, we recommend installing pigeon defense spirals. If the infestation pressure is very high, a professional pest controller is at your side with advice and action.

Which pigeon fright works when I sit on the balcony and want to drive away a pigeon on its approach?

In cities, it is becoming more and more common to see balcony owners armed with a water pistol. In fact, the popular children's toy turns out to be the perfect pigeon fright with no side effects. A targeted jet of water makes it unmistakably clear to pigeons when approaching that the balcony is taboo.

Aren't spikes a more effective pigeon scare than optical or acoustic methods?

To scare the pigeons as a defense strategy enjoys widespread acceptance because the uninvited guests are not harmed. That changes as soon as you attach needle-point spikes to the balcony and roof to repel pigeons. Birds often do not notice the spikes in time and suffer the worst injuries when attempting to land. Animal-friendly balcony owners do not accept this dark side of a pigeon defense and favor optical or acoustic methods without side effects.

Is there a dovecote to protect birdhouses for tits?

Voracious pigeons target bird feeders to steal life-saving food from the small birds. Since conventional pigeon repellent methods do not work in this case, because they also drive away tits, we recommend the following trick. Stretch a string through the center of the entrance to the bird feeder. Ms. Titmouse and other small birds can still get into the living room with the food supplies without any problems. However, fat pigeons are not allowed to enter.

Pigeons sit cheekily in the flower box and pollute the balcony with their droppings. What to do?

The seat chosen indicates that im Flower box(€ 35.85 at Amazon *) Plants flourish that feed pigeons. As herbivores and grain eaters, pigeons prefer to feed on seeds of all kinds. Anyone who grows peas, vetches, dwarf sunflowers or chickweed as a balcony gardener in a flower box should not be surprised by pigeons as boarders. The devoured poultry cannot be so easily scared away from the richly laid table. With simple methods to scare the pigeons, you will be lost. In order to protect your small kitchen garden and the balcony, we recommend an open pigeon defense net.


Sophisticated grape frightening methods scare off other bird species that make themselves unpopular as pests in the garden and on the balcony. Starlings, and swallows Sparrows frantically seek their salvation in flight when they see a moving raven dummy. Uninvited poultry prefer to stay away where frightening balloons with giant bird of prey eyes dangle.