Water, fertilize and plant

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Location and soil

Ice begonias do not make great demands on theirs Location. They even thrive in deep shade, but prefer a partially shaded spot. Here they bloom particularly profusely. Since they grow nice and compact, ice begonias are often used for grave planting, but are also suitable for the balcony or as a container plant. The soil can be slightly damp.

also read

  • When should I plant my ice begonias?
  • When is the ideal planting time for ice begonias?
  • Do ice begonias bloom in different colors?

Different varieties and types

Ice begonias offer you a large selection of species and varieties in different sizes and with different Flower and foliage colors. Small varieties reach about 20 centimeters in height, medium ones between 25 and 30 centimeters and large varieties reach heights of up to 40 centimeters. The growth is always quite compact, the foliage green or dark with a reddish touch.

Plant ice begonias

Ice begonias are generally perennial, but not hardy. Therefore, they should only be planted in the garden after the ice saints. Repotting or planting in a balcony box is possible until autumn. Make absolutely sure that rain or excess irrigation water can drain out of the box.

Water and fertilize

The fleshy ice begonias definitely need a certain amount of moisture, but do not like waterlogging. Let the soil dry out a little before you water the begonias again. Now and then add a little liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water, if you are not already doing it plants have put enough compost in the planting hole. However, the ice begonia does not need a lot of fertilizer.

The essentials in brief:

  • very easy to care for
  • Location: partially shaded to shady
  • Flowering period: from May to the first frost
  • perennial, but not hardy
  • Flower color: white, various pink and red tones, also two-tone
  • Foliage color: green or reddish
  • more compact growth
  • Growth height: depending on the variety between 20 and up to 40 cm


Ice begonias go well with other plants such as verbenas, hardworking lizards or Liliescombine.