How to make it winterproof

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Although we have been used to mild temperatures around the turn of the year for the last few years, it should not be missed to make the garden pond winter-proof and also to protect the technology in and around the pool from possible frost damage protection. So first of all, pond pumps, electrical filter systems, water features, spotlights and underwater lamps get out of the pool and Ice preventer into the water for the coming winter months.

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  • Brief tips for clear water in the garden pond
  • Safe wintering of the beach chair
  • How a tractor tire becomes a garden pond

Fish frozen? D rather not!

From a minimum pond depth of 80 cm, fish can remain in the water as long as the pond surface does not freeze completely and the temperatures on the bottom are between 4 and 7 ° C. However, this is not enough for the exotic koi, so that they have to be brought into the house below the 15 ° mark to overwinter.

Nets and mud vacuum cleaners are now required

With falling leaves in the autumn days, an ornamental pond should be roughly cleaned with a landing net several times a week. This stops the rotting of the floating foliage, as well as the formation of hydrogen sulfide and methane reduced, which has a positive effect on the oxygen supply of pond plants, fish and other microorganisms affects. It is best to clean the pelvic floor manually with a bucket, if not one

Pond sludge sucker is available.

Boldly cut pond plants for the winter

With the special pond scissors available on the market, thinning and the removal of dying or yellowed parts of plants are quite easy. Hyacinths, water lilies and all other aquatic plants that are not frost-resistant should be put on land as early as October. This prevents the parts of the plant that are just dying from sinking to the bottom of the pond. While the pond plants from Europe are essentially frost-resistant, come

  • Parrot leaf;
  • Shampoo;
  • Nesaea;
  • Spear blade;
  • Threadwort;
  • ruffled split-tooth moss;
  • Tiger lotus

In the garden pond it is better to winterize in the basement or in the greenhouse. The plants in the bank area in particular can be cut back to 15 cm above the water level for wintering.


With a close-meshed leaf protection net that can be attached over the pond from the end of September, you will save yourself a lot of work and at the same time improve the biological balance in the Pool. A mesh size of approx. 20 mm.