Azaleas location: 6 important criteria

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Azaleas belong to the group of rhododendrons and can be a real eye-catcher due to their bloom. However, you need the right location for this. Various factors must be taken into account when doing this.

Indoor or outdoor

When it comes to azaleas, a clear distinction must be made between varieties for outdoor use and indoor azaleas because the different variants also have very different requirements for the Location. For example, azaleas prefer a semi-sunny to shady location for indoor cultivation, while outdoor azaleas thrive best in sunnier locations.

With regard to other location-related factors, however, you should already pay attention to the correct variant when choosing. This doesn't just apply to indoor or outdoor culture. The final height of the plants also provides information about which ones

Locations they are suitable.

Room azalea

Indoor azaleas are more sensitive to light and should therefore not be in direct sunlight. It is therefore beneficial if a distance of at least one meter is maintained with south-facing windows. However, the plants can still be placed directly on the window sill if the windows are facing east or west.

However, towards the south, care should be taken that the plants are not directly exposed to the midday sun. In addition, it should be avoided that the plants stand too dry. Heating air, or air from air conditioning systems, tends to dry out the leaves and soil, which can cause significant damage.

Free-range azalea

In the case of the locations for the open-air azalea, care must be taken to ensure that they receive as much light as possible, but also not in

stand in the blazing sun. Otherwise, the flowering force will be reduced, as outdoor azaleas need a comparatively large amount of sun.

Permeable soil

Waterlogging is poorly tolerated by the rhododendrons, so you should also pay attention to the location Care should be taken that the azaleas in depressions only stand on soil that is well drained or with drainage was provided.

Rhododendron - azalea


Not only the direction of the compass has to be considered in relation to the light. The surrounding vegetation also plays a role. Outdoor azaleas need as much light as possible in order to develop their full bloom. Surrounded by higher and therefore shady plants, however, the flowering power falls short of expectations, especially with lower varieties.


Protected locations are especially important in winter. Strong winds or accumulating rain can be harmful to the plants. It should therefore be ensured that larger plants - such as a hedge - or fences, walls and walls offer security from them.

Tip: Varieties A short distance from the house and a planting up

the south or east sides usually protect from cold winds. Alternatively, the azalea can also be cultivated in a tub so that it can be moved if necessary.


Just like the position of the site, the nature of the substrate also plays a role. The earth should meet the following factors:

  • relaxed
  • rich in humus
  • permeable
  • sour to weakly sour

A pH of 4.5 to 5.5 is ideal. If there is no location in the garden with these conditions, there are two alternatives. On the one hand, the earth can be replaced selectively. For example, rhododendron soil is suitable. On the other hand, the plants can also be cultivated in the tub. This also makes wintering easier, which is particularly advantageous in regions with hard and long winters.


If the plant has to change its location, care should be taken to ensure that temperatures remain as constant as possible or that it is allowed to get used to it slowly. Because the plants do not tolerate rapid changes in temperature.

Tip: The lighter the plant, the warmer it can be. Otherwise, leaf loss and an increased susceptibility to diseases must be expected.

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