This is the best way to peel the fruit

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The three methods for molting

If the recipe calls for peel-free paprika pieces, this can be easily done with a few tips and tricks. You have the following three options:

  • Remove the peel with a peeler
  • Scald the peppers with hot water and peel off the peel
  • Roast them in the oven and then peel them

also read

  • Peeling peppers made easy
  • Paprika: Wash and clean the popular vegetable properly
  • Pickling peppers yourself: easy and quick to make

Wash each pepper thoroughly

Wash all pods thoroughly clean, even if the peel is removed afterwards. When working, contamination can easily get to the pulp via hands.

Be particularly careful in the handle area, as dirt deposits there very easily. With a vegetable brush you can also reach hard-to-reach places.

Other preparatory steps

Depending on how the peppers are used, other steps may be necessary before peeling:

  • removing the stem and seeds
  • cutting into smaller pieces

Remove the peel with a peeler

A peeler is not really an optimal tool to effectively remove the pepper peel. The pulp itself is only a few millimeters thin, so a millimeter too much can be removed. Even the best peeler always removes a little more than just the peel.

However, if the peppers are to be used and consumed in their raw state, there are no better alternatives available.

Peel the bell pepper just like you would peel a cucumber or potato with it. Only then remove the stem and core.


When shopping, choose only crisp, plump bulkheads. Only these are firm enough to offer the peeler the necessary resistance when peeling.

Hot water peel off the shell

In hot dishes, the peel comes off by itself, which is very annoying when eating. If you want to use the peppers for soups and stews, you should therefore peel them beforehand. The hot water has no influence on the later taste.

  1. Remove any inedible parts and divide each pod into four parts.
  2. Put the pepper pieces in a large saucepan.
  3. Heat enough water in a kettle.
  4. Pour over the pepper pieces, they should all be completely covered with water.
  5. Let the vegetables steep briefly.
  6. Pour the contents of the pot through a sieve.
  7. Rinse the pepper pieces with cold water.
  8. Peel the vegetable pieces with a small knife, the skin should now peel off easily.

Roast the peppers in the oven

The heat in the oven also makes it easier to remove the skin from the pulp. The paprika taste is also changed in the oven. The roasted aromas that arise are, however, an enrichment in terms of taste. The oven method is ideal for preparing antipasti.

  1. Cut the pods into strips about 2-3 cm wide and distribute them on a tray, each with the skin side up.
  2. Brush the bowls with a little oil and switch on the grill function.
  3. Roast the peppers until the skin turns black. Keep the short roasting process in eyeso that the pulp doesn't burn too.
  4. Let the roasted pepper strips cool down under a damp cloth.
  5. Then pull off the cooled bowl by hand.

Conclusion for quick readers:

  • Preparation: washing; Remove stem and seeds; Paprika cut into large pieces
  • Vegetable peeler: Is the only peeling method if you want the peppers to stay raw
  • Procedure: leave the fruit whole for the time being; Peel off the peel; then further process
  • Tip: Only crisp, plump fruits can be peeled this way
  • Boiling water: let the pepper pieces steep in it; put off cold; Pull off the skin
  • Roasting: Gives a welcome roasted aroma; ideal for antipasti
  • Step 1: core and quarter; Spread on a baking sheet with the peel facing up
  • Step 2: Brush with oil and roast under the grill until the skin turns black
  • Step 3: Let cool under a damp cloth; then peel off the shell by hand

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