Hibernate hydrangea in a pot

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Preparing for winter

In autumn, prepare the plant for winter by taking appropriate care measures.

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  • Hibernate the tub hydrangea in the cellar
  • When is the best time to use the hydrangea?
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Stop fertilizing

So that Hydrangeas Do not freeze back at low temperatures, the plant should no longer be fertilized in autumn. As a result, the shoots mature completely and are frost-resistant. In addition, the hydrangea does not sprout immediately on the first mild spring days, which is the case with sudden ones Night frosts can freeze the flower buds.

Remove dried out parts of the plant

In autumn, carefully cut off all withered and damaged parts of the plant. These are entry points for numerous plant diseases and fungi. Definitely do without one Radical cut, as this robs the plant of a lot of strength at the beginning of winter dormancy.

Fight diseases and parasites

When pruning, check the hydrangea for common pests such as

  • Spider mites
  • Mealybug
  • Thrips

and possible plant diseases. Fight this with effective means before the hydrangea moves to winter quarters.

Suitable planters

So that the earth in the bucket does not freeze completely, it should be at least forty centimeters in diameter. Thick-walled buckets are ideal, as they offer a certain degree of protection from the cold thanks to the material.

Hibernate hydrangeas indoors

Hydrangeas that are cared for in smaller pots should be moved to a bright and cool room before the first frosts. for example the basement, bring. Temperatures of around five degrees are ideal. Please keep in mind that the hydrangea must be watered regularly even in winter.

Hibernate hydrangeas in the tub on the balcony

If the hydrangea is in a sufficiently large planter, you can do this too in the winter Maintain on the balcony or terrace. To ensure that the plant survives the cold season well, do the following:

  • hydrangea Place in the bucket in a wind and sun-protected place on the house wall.
  • Wrap the pot in jute or bubble wrap.
  • The hydrangea with a special one Plant fleece cover.
  • Regularly check whether the soil is still moist and water if necessary.

Tips & Tricks

Leave the dried flower heads on the hydrangea during the winter. These protect the drifting flowers from frost.