When is there fresh rhubarb?

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Smooth poles give the signal for the start of the season

Of course, there is no fixed date for the start of the rhubarb season. In this regard, the weather has a say. If the coveted rhubarb stalks are no longer wavy, but rather smooth, the harvest can begin.

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  • Proper rhubarb care - little effort, rich harvest
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Why is rhubarb only seasoned for three months?

The lead time to the first harvest takes one to two years with rhubarb. Once the plant has established itself in the bed, it engages the botanical turbo. After a problem-free wintering, rhubarb presents ready-to-harvest stems from April onwards.

From now on things will happen in quick succession. Those who have planted enough rhubarb can now harvest continuously until the 24th. June, St. John's Day. The harvest ends on this date for the following reasons:

  • the plant should regenerate sufficiently by winter
  • stems harvested later contain a higher dose of oxalic acid, which is not good for everyone

After the seventh season, it's over

A healthy rhubarb plant usually has life force for eight to ten years. Experienced hobby gardeners do not exhaust this period to the last. Wisely share they now take the stick and replant the segments elsewhere.

One Crop rotation of five years is mandatory for rhubarb. It should not be cultivated that long in a bed that already housed its species. If, however, the Rhubarb mosaic disease on, the cultivation break is seven years.

Tips & Tricks

Anyone who ends the first season in the second year of standing in mid-May will be rewarded for this careful conservation of the rhubarb. The plant that is still growing can recover longer and develop stable vitality for many rich harvests.