Cut the red currant into a standard stem

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Why do currants have to be cut as a standard stem?

There are several reasons why you need to cut standard currants on a regular basis:

  • Topiary
  • Remove old wood
  • thin out
  • cut off diseased shoots
  • Cut shoots from the high stem

also read

  • The correct pruning of standard currants
  • How to properly care for red currants!
  • When is the best time to cut currants?

Red currants bear their fruits on the two- and three-year-old wood. Older branches are therefore superfluous. They fall victim to the scissors if they are cut back.

By pruning, you encourage the currants to produce more shoots. This makes the crown of the high trunk appear more compact.

The best time to cut standard currants

Red Cut currants They are best done in early spring, before the shrub shoots.

Some gardeners recommend pruning red currants right after they are harvested. This is not advisable for tall trunks as you want to keep the shrub in shape.

How is the red currant stem cut?

Remove the old wood at the base and leave only young shoots. More than eight to twelve strong young shoots should not sit on the high trunk.

How long the shoots need to be also depends on the variety. If you don't know which high stem strain to grow in the garden, seek advice from an accomplished gardener.

In addition to the old wood, cut off any shoots that run through the crown or point downwards. Finally, shorten any branches that disturb the overall appearance of the currant high stem. You can do this work again in autumn.

Free the high trunk from side shoots

Side shoots often grow out of the high trunk. Cut these off immediately. This is the only way for the high trunk to keep its shape.

High stem crowns are almost always refined. The finishing point is usually located directly under the crown. The side shoots growing underneath are not varietal. None grow from it Berry, but at most fruits of the finishing base.


In addition to the standard currant, shoots, so-called water shoots, occasionally sprout from the ground. You should always cut these off immediately. Only weak shrubs that bear little fruit develop from them.

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