This is how you immortalize beautiful leaves

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Press paper

So that the leaves dry as quickly as possible without losing their color, the moisture must be absorbed by an absorbent pad. Therefore, neither plastic wrap nor plastic is suitable for the drying process. Use newsprint without glossy printing, toilet and kitchen paper as well as coffee filters and blotting paper.

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Book method

Use discarded books as the moisture that escapes can cause water stains. If possible, unfold the book at the end, because this way the entire weight will later act on the leaves. Cut the selected paper to the size of the book pages and line them with it.

Put a sheet on each side and cover the plant material with pressed paper. For the next four to six weeks, the book press remains in a dry and warm place, whereby you should change the dampened paper documents at least once a week. Extra weight on the book makes for a better result.

Iron and wax paper

This method ensures an optimal color result, as the moisture removal takes place faster. Place the dry sheets of paper between two sheets of printer paper and iron on medium heat for three to five minutes.

Turn the paper over and perform the ironing step again. Place the plant material on wax paper, fold and brush it down. To prevent the wax from sticking to the iron during the subsequent ironing, use two white sheets of paper as an intermediate layer.

How to proceed:

  • Iron on both sides at medium temperatures
  • Pay attention to even movements
  • then let it cool down and cut out the waxed leaves


You will need two ceramic tiles that will act as a press. Pieces of cardboard or paper towels that you cut to the size of the tile will absorb the moisture. Drape the leaves individually between the tile press equipped with press paper and fix it with rubber bands. Warm the construction in the microwave on the highest setting.


This variant is only suitable for thin foliage, as the consistency and color of fleshy leaves suffer.