A planting guide for witch hazel

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And it reacts very sensitively if these requirements are not met. Then it grows even more slowly or not at all and the flower also suffers considerably. Either the witch hazel then only blooms sparsely or that There is no flowering at all.

also read

  • How to care for your witch hazel - the most important tips and tricks
  • The witch hazel in summer - tips and tricks
  • How big does the witch hazel get?

The best location and suitable soil

In their homeland, the witch hazel likes to grow in sparse forests. You should choose the location accordingly, preferably sunny or partially shaded. If the witch hazel, as witch hazel is called in Latin, receives too little light, it will not bloom as beautifully as expected. In addition, the witch hazel should be protected from the wind.

The ideal soil for the witch hazel is nutritious, loose and, above all, low in lime. It can be a bit sandy or slightly loamy and a bit damp. However, the witch hazel does not tolerate waterlogging at all and the soil should not dry out either. Both have a negative effect on growth and flowering.

The witch hazel grows very slowly, but it still grows very large over time. You should bear this in mind when choosing a location. It takes up a lot of space and is particularly decorative as a solitary plant. Do not plant the witch hazel too close to strongly root-forming plants, because the witch hazel does not tolerate competition. That affects their growth.

Prepare the planting

Choose the location for your witch hazel carefully as it won't take it well transplanted must become. Loosen solid soil by adding coarse sand or gravel and dig a sufficiently large planting hole. Put in well-ripened garden compost mixed with something Horn shavings.(€ 32.93 at Amazon *)

Maintain the freshly planted witch hazel

It takes about two to three years for the witch hazel to be well rooted and start growing properly. Even at first blossom you may have to wait a while. Make sure that the soil around the young witch hazel never dries out. A thick layer of bark mulch around the plant is helpful for this. to water The plant in prolonged drought.

The essentials in brief:

  • sunny or partially shaded location
  • sheltered from the wind
  • loose, humus soil, likes slightly moist
  • If possible, never transplant, so choose the location carefully
  • Loosen solid ground with sand or gravel
  • Enrich nutrients with compost and / or horn shavings
  • Bark mulch to prevent the soil from drying out


Choose the location for your witch hazel very carefully, as it does not tolerate transplanting at all. Although it grows very slowly, it reaches a considerable size.