When and how do you do it?

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When is the sour cherry cut?

In contrast to other fruit trees, the sour cherry is cut at a different time. The best time for that Clearance cut is in the summer after the harvest came. This is usually the case between early and mid-August.

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  • The harvest time of the sour cherry - when is it time?
  • Sour cherry and sweet cherry - what are the differences?
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Cutting depending on the variety

Depending on variety Sour cherries develop different growth patterns. While some develop whip-like long shoots and show an overhanging growth pattern, others show a short one Fruitwood and strive upright.

Overhanging varieties

Varieties such as 'Gerema', 'Schattenmorelle' and 'Morellenfeuer' develop a strongly overhanging habit if they are not regularly restrained by a cut. Their whip-like shoots become extremely long and they fruit on the annual wood. With these varieties, you need to shorten all long side shoots by two thirds. In addition, a clearing cut is advisable in which old wood is cut out.

Varieties such as 'Ludwigs Früh', 'Dimitzer' and 'Schwäbische Weichsel' also grow overhanging. In contrast to the varieties already mentioned, their growth is weaker. They also have to be shortened considerably, albeit less.

Upright growing varieties

The following varieties develop a different habit: 'Saphir', 'Favorit', 'Heimanns Rubin Weichsel', 'Karneol', 'Koröser Weichsel' and 'Morina'. They grow upright, bear fruit on annual and old wood and do not bald. Here it is sufficient to remove or remove the weak and inwardly growing shoots. shorten.

Basic information on cutting the sour cherry

If you don't know which variety it is or if you want to choose the easiest way, you should do something similar to the conventional one Fruit tree pruning proceed. When cutting, you should generally use a sharp tool such as a Loppers be used.

How to do it:

  • Prune vigorously all branches that have borne fruit
  • do not cut young branches
  • clear once a year to loosen the crown
  • remove sick, dead and old wood
  • down or Remove drooping branches
  • where to cut: at the start of a new shoot

Tips & Tricks

A positive side effect if you cut back the sour cherries regularly. thinning out, that is the risk of one Fungal attack is minimized. If the crown is lighter, moisture on the leaves and shoots can evaporate more quickly and fungi do not have a livelihood.

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