How much gravel do you need?

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Grain size defines the layer height for opaque gravel surfaces

Flat-rate height information for the layer height in the gravel bed is only intended as an initial orientation when determining requirements. If you are aiming for an opaque gravel surface, the grain size of your favorite gravel type comes into focus. Act here according to the following premise:

  • Rule of thumb: The optimal dumping height corresponds to twice the grain size

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  • This is how the bed design with gravel succeeds - ideas for the planting plan
  • The gravel bed: ideal for the front yard
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If you have decided on white quartz gravel with a grain size of 16-25 mm, apply the gravel at a height of 50 mm, i.e. 0.050 m. If you use Donoauskies with a grain size of 8-16 mm, the fill height is 32 mm, i.e. 0.032 m.

Formula for material requirements - this is how you calculate correctly

So that you can calculate the required amount of gravel, first measure the bed. The third information for determining the requirements is still missing, the bulk weight per cubic meter of the selected gravel type. This value is already part of the offer from building material suppliers or can be found on the Internet. The following formula gives the actual gravel requirement for your bed:

  • Length x width x twice the grain height x bulk weight / m³

Around a 5 m long and 4 m wide bed with Danube gravel 8-16 mm (1.42 t bulk weight per m³) opaque the following calculation results: 5 m x 4 m x 0.032 m x 1420 kg = 908.8 kg Gravel requirement.

Include delivery costs

To calculate the costs, first multiply the purchase price per kilogram of gravel by the amount required. Added to this are the delivery costs, which can be significant in view of the considerable weight. Bargain hunters among home gardeners rent a trailer and drive to the nearest gravel works.


So that the calculated amount of gravel stays where it belongs, an adequate amount is allowed Bed border not missing. Even a simple lawn edge made of metal prevents the stones from spreading in the garden. A border made of natural stones sets the scene for the gravel bed in a decorative and tasteful way.

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