Is a rhizome barrier necessary?

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The Phyllostachys aureosulcata “Spectabilis” also shows bright red stalks at times after they have emerged lemon-yellow from the earth. Later the stalks get green stripes. With a size of around three to five meters, it does not necessarily belong to the category of Giant bamboo, but it is very decorative and also very hardy. However, this bamboo grows very strongly and absolutely needs a rhizome barrier.

also read

  • Limit the bamboo with a rhizome barrier
  • Is the red bamboo hardy?
  • How to Plant Red Bamboo - Tips and Tricks

How do I create a rhizome barrier?

A rhizome barrier is only effective if you use the right material for it. Pond liner or a somewhat larger flower pot are absolutely unsuitable, because these are no serious obstacles for the foothills of your bamboo. It is better to use a special PEHD film that is approx. 2mm thick. Pick up a sufficiently large and at least 50 cm deep Planting hole for your bamboo.

Depending on the size and height of your bamboo, it needs an area of ​​at least 3 square meters (for a medium-sized bamboo) or 10 square meters (for a large bamboo), on which the plant can be placed at will allowed to spread.

You work the foil as a ring around your bamboo at least 60 cm deep into the earth. Close this ring carefully with a special aluminum splint so that no rhizomes can grow outside. The foil should stick out about five to ten centimeters from the ground. In this way you can control that the rhizomes cannot spread over them.

The essentials in brief:

  • Phyllostachys needs a rhizome barrier
  • Fargesia do not need a rhizome barrier
  • only use special PEHD film as a rhizome barrier
  • Work the foil at least 60 cm into the earth
  • Let the rhizome barrier look about 5 to 10 cm out of the earth
  • give the bamboo enough space to grow
  • Close the foil ring carefully with the aluminum rail


If you do not want to create a rhizome barrier, then opt for a bamboo fargesia, this one sorts do not form rhizomes. Chinese Wonder forms bright red stalks.